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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
all together it is about 13,000 mi. in length - almost 1/2 the length of the earth's _ , the gw extends to the border of north _ , contrary to popular …
a peak in limasawa where magellan's cross was believed to be planted, the surname of the person who allegedly faked rizal's retraction, in word form, …
process of people moving to britain, mostly from former colonies, oil was discovered off its coast, britain voted to join in 1975, a culture of …
simon _ , venezuelan revolutionary, spaniard born in latin america, _ system was created to classify people based on their heritage, _ l'ouverture, …
mlk, jr's most famous speech: "i have a _ ", name of the movement that sought to extend full equality to blacks (2 words), mlk, jr. held a …
southern europe axis member, national socialist country, wrote, island bombed on same day as pearl harbor, june 6, 1944, the stance america took prior …
germany lost 13 percent of this, including the resouce rich ruhr valley. it is also the l in 'lamb', the systematic spreading of a idea or cause or of …
to leave or withdraw, underground _ - series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the south, unfair treatment of particular …
regions of land that are under the control of another country, first permanent english settlement in north america, legal contract established by the …
father of mexican independence, military-based leader after french revolution, gave brazil independence, slave nation that gained independence from …
these were used to remove the brain, this person performed the mummification, the number of days it took to complete the mummification process, the …
an imperial dynasty of china preceded by the sui dynasty and followed by the five dynasties and ten kingdoms period, a mountain range in asia …
economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories, the action of making or manufacturing from …
line of forts and obstacles built by france after ww1 to defend against germany, nickname for the second atom bomb dropped on japan, nickname for the …
a dutch queen who helped the netherlands stay neutral during wwi, an empress who was one of the first people to recognize women's rights, a queen who …
in 1933, hitler was named of germany, how old was hitler when he moved to germany, what was the name of the guy who abused hitler as a kid? (hint: his …
american composer, pianist, and leader of a jazz orchestra. this man is considered to be one of america's greatest composers, a 1920s slang term that …
lincoln's famous speech, king's iconic speech, churchill's speech about europe, kennedy's call to action, washington's parting words, churchill's …
"private initiatives, for public good, focusing on quality of life", person or small group who starts or invests in a business in the hope …
monotheists believe in one of these, cuneiform was the world's first system of _ , hammurabi wrote the first system of _ , "surplus" means …
study of humankind in all aspects, scientist who studies human life in the past, time before humans invented writing, beliefs, customs, practices, and …
_ was more outgoing than his brother, the wright brothers live in _ ohio, _ was quiet and a dreamer, kitty _ is now the name of the wright brothers' …
the service offered by knights to lords in feudalism, a holy war with the intention of retaking jerusalem for the christian church, the fall of the _ …
the business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves, a crop, such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton, raised in large quantities and sold …
they hid here and attacked the persians by boat, were stories about greek gods, most powerful city-state after the persian war, they blocked this …
the u.s. forced japanese residents into these camps during wwii, u.s. program to design the atomic bomb, the place of general montgomery's first …
adam ****** published his most famous work, "the wealth of nations," in 1776, the catholic church ordered him to abandon the copernican …
where americans and the british were meeting to discuss peace, the british knew that these people would not be easily beaten, for twenty years britain …
the crossword is over _ history, the revolutionary _ , the spanish _ texas, the texas _ didn't last long, texas had _ at the battle of san jacinto, …
inventor of the light bulb, known for alternating current (ac) power, revolutionized car manufacturing with the assembly line, pioneers of the first …