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Jobs and Education Crossword Puzzles
Jobs and Education Crosswords are a fun and educational puzzle and are a great way to test your knowledge of jobs and education terms. It also makes a great study tool for students preparing for exams. So what are you waiting for? Grab a pencil and get started! Teachers can use these in the classroom to teach students about different professions. Download and print to see how many job-related words you can find.
follow your plan looking for problems and make changes to your plan, share your solution with others, explain strengths and weaknesses of your …
how to get extra points on your test?, this person guides you in your learning skills, school transportation, what number pencil are used on school …
to support someone/make someone feel more confident, the person trying to find a good solution for both sides, the people working for the company, the …
i take money and put it in a register, i work on pipes, i do people's taxes and manage financial reports for businesses, i make clothes (or hem them …
the number that a variable is being multiplied with is called the _ , 18.5 is considered a _ , numbers or variables that form a product are _ , a …
the original or test model that your real product is based on, a person who asks questions about the natural world, tools, parts, and processes that …
someone who delivers mail, a person who cuts hair, a person who plays sports, somebody who helps sick people, a person who defends people in court, a …
a popular method of payment to workers, usually on a monthly basis, payment to a sales person (or the business itself) for selling goods and services, …
a student who lives off-campus, an institution of higher education that grants degrees and certificates, successful completion of a prescribed program …
a temporary work placement to gain practical experience in a field, a trainee who learns a trade or skill under a skilled worker, a study program …
systematic investigation, educated guess, affirmative statement of the tentative conclusion, negative statement of the tentative conclusion, …
another word for "university", test that you need to take in the usa in order to enter university, a certificate awarded for completing a …
the amount of a paycheck after the deductions are taken out, the total amount of an employee's earnings before deductions are taken out, treating …
what does the s stand for in stem?, what does a meteorologist study?, what is a name for someone who dispenses your medicine at a pharmacy?, what does …
a document earned from a college or a university, usually on completion of a program of study shorter than that of a degree, make better, a …
an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary, sets of abilities or knowledge used to perform practical tasks …
healthcare insurance claims associate, department with programming and networking classes, works with hr but also electronic records and insurance, …
an unplanned event which frequently results in injury or damage and is invariably preceded by an unsafe act and/or condition, a chemical which is a …
men only or women only college, provides bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, cost of going to school, in the city, type of academy that …
a document that outlines the duties, responsibilities, and tasks of a specific job role, a profile detailing the skills, qualifications, experience, …
a person who works for another person or for a company for wages or a salary. , a person or company that has people who do work for wages or a salary …
the fee that colleges charge to take their classes, business that two or more people own and operate, a course that is not required but can be chosen …
someone who creates a good or service, unit of measurement that schools use to determine whether students are progressing toward graduation, …
a construction worker, hands down sentences and oversees legal processes, invents and designs buildings and structures, treats people who are sick or …
a clear, concise statement of what you want to become in life, a type of volunteering that links classroom learning with hands-on experiences, a 2 …
study of human society and how people interact with each other , analyze grain dry and store grain as it is brought in for sale, deals with growing …
paying close attention and showing interest in what someone is saying, the ability to adjust and work effectively in changing circumstances, working …
printing on both sides of the page, internet-based voice communication, to add explanatory notes or comments, study of efficient workplace design, …
data collection in ethnography includes gathering information through _ , field notes, and interviews, in _ sampling, researchers aim to select …
police direct _ , police go on water in these, police solve _ , police fly in these, police learn to be safe with _ , police help them, police fix …