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Religion and Belief Crossword Puzzles
Unlock the mysteries of religion and test your knowledge with our free printable religion and belief crossword puzzles! Whether you're a seasoned believer, a curious skeptic, or simply love solving puzzles, our crosswords are the perfect way to challenge yourself while learning about different religions and beliefs.
baptism, confession, holy eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, holy orders and anointing of the sick, person that can perform the act of the holy …
in times of hardship, god can provide us with _ and emotional support, regular prayer can strengthen our _ and spiritual connection with goc, we can …
prayer to the holy trinity, professing our faith, prayer that expresses love, prayer that expresses faith, prayed first thing in the morning, prayer …
a sister who saved her brother's life, david's fifth wife, means grace, the woman of ....., mother of john the baptist, original hairdresser?, adam's …
a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, religious group from samaria that practiced a different religion to the jews in israel, …
the fruit of the holy spirit seen in the willingness to give even when at one's own cost, the fruit of the holy spirit seen when we love god above all …
the action of the bread and wine turning into the body and blood of christ, the mass begins with this when the priest enters the church and makes his …
experience god's love and show we are sorry, given to us at baptism and grows through our effort and god's grace, people have freedom to choose and …
spent three days in the belly of a fish, she courageously used her position as a queen to save her people, kept his integrity; enduring the loss of …
risk her life to save her people petitioning king xerxes, has a book in the old testament named after her, blinded by the light, changed his name by …
a gift of the holy spirit, the apostles received the holy spirit, baptism, the eucharist, confirmation are sacraments of, the ordinary minister of …
the mother of mary and grandmother of jesus, founder of the franciscan order. born in assisi, born in sienna. she is a doctor of the church, the …
jesus saw their _ . (verse.5), they could not get to jesus because of the _ . (verse.4), the people were amazed and glorified _ . (verse.12), the men …
wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the lord are the _ of the holy spirit received at confirmation, baptism and …
walked on water. matt. 14:29, slept with lions. dan. 6, brought of the firstborn of his flock and... the lord respected him and his offering. gen. …
working to make god’s world a better place through correct actions, feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others, doing something with purpose …
what haman built for mordecai, esther invited king xerxes and haman to a _ , "who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as _ …
how did noah know to build the ark?, what did noah give to god? genesis 8:20, mountains of _ - where did the ark end up after the waters decreased? …
the author of the book of "acts of the apostles"?, in (acts 5:33–39), this man's warning gives us a message from luke that all is planned …
the disciple who would eventually betray jesus (jn 6:71), the type of grain that the five loaves were made of (jn 6:9), the name jesus most liked to …
makes us members of body of christ, removes our original sin, deepens our understanding of the holy spirit, "may we eat this bread, and drink …
jesus taught for _ years, jesus' mother, jesus came from the family line of _ , jesus hung on the cross at _ , jesus' cousin, who urged the people to …
this man was the first created man, this man built the ark, this man was the younger brother of esau, this man’s brothers sold him into slavery, …
charitable _ promotes temporary change, call to family, _ , and participation, life and _ of the human person, two _ of social justice, care for god's …
another name for thomas, he doubted the risen christ, what john wants to achieve by writing, what jesus said each time he appeared to his disciples, …
holy oil symbolizes the healing power of this sacrament for those in need of healing, a cloth stole represents this sacrament because it is worn by a …
the man called by god to lead israel out of captivity, a man who hardened his heart to god's demands, the man who god gave to moses to help him lead …
monkey king who assures rama of his help in locating and rescuing sita, garden where sita was imprisoned by ravana in lanka, the lady who was waiting …
hosea reminded the people god desires mercy over (this) (hosea 6:6), amos's job prior to his prophecy (amos 1:1-4), nahum told the people god was a …
john 14:6 i am _ _ , the truth and the life, job 11:7 …can you find out the limit of the _ ?, 2 samuel 22:3 my god, my _ , in whom i take …
With clear and concise clues, these puzzles cater to all levels of knowledge and experience. Simply download and print our free crosswords, and find yourself lost in a world of faith, spirituality, and knowledge. Challenge yourself today and expand your understanding of different religions and beliefs with our free printable crossword puzzles.