Mythology Crossword Puzzle
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- gaia : greek name of mother earth
- hermes : messenger god
- cyclops : one-eyed giants
- golden fleece : the item that jason and the argonauts are looking for
- lethe : river of forgetfulness in the underworld
- harpies : monster bird-women who attack people
- charon : the ferry-man of the underworld
- elysium : area of underworld for very good people
- morpheus : god of dreams
- pegasus : the mythical creature which springs from medusa's severed head
- prometheus : the titan who gave fire to humans
- owl : athena's symbolic animal
- chimera : a creature with a lion's head, goat's body and snake tail
- eurydice : the wife of orpheus who is killed by a snake on her wedding day
- narcissus : mortal who falls in love with his own reflection
- andromeda : the beautiful girl who perseus saves from being eaten by a sea-monster
- eris : goddess of strife
- atlas : titan who carries the world on his shoulders
- arachne : mortal woman turned into a spider by athena