Myth & Religion in Rome Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: lararium : household shrine to worship household gods called the lares, cornucopia : object created from achelous' horn after he lost a fight to hercules, nessus : centaur who tried to abduct deianira from hercules, cella : roman name for the central room of a temple, housing the cult statue, pantheon : temple for all the gods built on the campus martius outside rome, pontifex : most important type of roman priest, meaning "bridge builder", mola salsa : salted flour used in sacrifices, made by vestal virgins, penates : sacred objects dedicated to household gods, which aeneas carried from troy to italy, lavinia : daughter of king latinus, who married aeneas after he reached italy, amulius : great-uncle of romulus and remus who tried to have them killed, faustulus : herdsman who found romulus and remus in the wolf cave, augury : process used by romulus and remus to decide where to build a city, lupercus : fertility god honoured in the lupercalia, whips : objects made from the skin of animals sacrificed during lupercalia, gambling : ability which was not permitted in public, except at saturnalia, pileus : felt cap worn by freedman, which all men wore during saturnalia, eulogy : speech to celebrate the dead at the funeral of an important person, sarcophagus : decorated stone coffin popular with romans, wax : material used to make funerary masks, parentalia : roman festival to honour dead ancestors, lemuria : roman festival to ward off evil spirits, ovid : poet who wrote about orpheus and eurydice, and also hercules, venus : goddess who was thought to be an ancestor of augustus, standards : object recovered from parthia, as shown on the prima porta statue, mausoleum : tomb of augustus built on the campus martius