Animals Crossword Puzzles

Printable animal crossword puzzles are a great way to learn about different animals. This fun and educational activity is a great way to help your kids learn about different animals. They're also a lot of fun to solve.

Showing 1-30 of 165 records

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Dog Breeds crossword puzzle
Dog Breeds

breed of retriever, sporting, small sheepdog, resembles a collie, herding, sled dog from siberia, working, powerful dog, originally from germany, …

Zoo Animals crossword puzzle
Zoo Animals

pink birds that live together in wetlands and rest on one leg, have tails, playful, like fruit, native to the island of madagascar. the ring tails …

Animals from A to Z crossword puzzle
Animals from A to Z

males fight with their necks over females. this is called "necking". (starts with g), this australian marsupial is the symbol for qantas …

Whats the Animal? crossword puzzle
What's the Animal?

king of the jungle, lives in the cold and waddles, this animal is grey with one big horn, this animal has a very long neck, this animal likes to eat …

Extreme Animals crossword puzzle
Extreme Animals

have transparent eyelids and never shut their eyes, having a special talent or ability;what makes an animal different or special, communicates with …

Dairy Cattle crossword puzzle
Dairy Cattle

the top of the cow's forehead, dual-purpose breed for beef and dairy, an inflammation of the udder, a mixture of different fatty-acid esters called …

Baby Animals crossword puzzle
Baby Animals

Name the baby animals.

Birds crossword puzzle

Guess the birds based on the clues given.

Sea Animals! crossword puzzle
Sea Animals!

very colorful fish, from far away, a long, weird-looking fish, small and red, with two claws, green, with a shell, a strange sea animal with 8 …

Animals of the World crossword puzzle
Animals of the World

wildcat with spots, swims in swamps with sharp teeth, flying mammal, runs in a ball, pulls santa's sleigh, friends from the ocean, food and blankets …

Endangered Animals crossword puzzle
Endangered Animals

polar bears are endangered because of the.., this animal lives in asia and has got the largest ears, which is the habitat of the siberian tiger?, this …

Marine Life crossword puzzle
Marine Life

a large flat sea creature that lives in a shell, some types of which can be eaten either cooked or uncooked, and other types of which produce pearls, …

Birds and Animals crossword puzzle
Birds and Animals

this animal is a direct descendant of the wolf, this family of birds of prey tend to build their nests in extremely high places, one of these animals …

Horses crossword puzzle

this speed is 4-5mph, a horse aged less than a year, a male horse castrated older than 4yr, a female horse older than 4yrs, horses cant do this, a …

Prairie Animals crossword puzzle
Prairie Animals

flies around at night, eating bugs in the air, a dark colored, teddy like animal, large horse like animal with giant antlers, a fierce member of the …

Ocean Animals crossword puzzle
Ocean Animals

a friendly mammal known for its playful nature, a large fish with sharp teeth, the largest mammal in the ocean, an animal with eight arms, a colorful …

Farm Animals crossword puzzle
Farm Animals

large mammal that people raise for their milk and meat, farm animal that used to carry people from place to another, their hooves are smaller and more …

Marine Organisms crossword puzzle
Marine Organisms

my tentacles sting but i allow clownfish to live in me as they keep me clean and nourished, people think i am a plant but i'm actually an animal …

National Pet Day crossword puzzle
National Pet Day

i am a smelly, scaly water animal. i can be a house pet and love to swim, i am a spotted cat-like creature with a need for speed, i have scales, no …

Ants, Bees, and Spiders crossword puzzle
Ants, Bees, and Spiders

the butterfly life cycle has this many stages, hatches from a butterfly egg, it takes this many days for a butterfly egg to hatch, another name for …

Australian Native Animals crossword puzzle
Australian Native Animals

an animal who jumps as high as 12m, doesn't have the right qualifications to be a bear, flightless bird, dumb pig, mini kangaroo, loudest bird alive, …

Amphibians crossword puzzle

class with newts and salamanders, teeth, center on top palate between nostrils, class with frogs and toads, lower heart chamber, used for hearing, had …

Horticulture Insects crossword puzzle
Horticulture Insects

the hardened forewings of beetles, hardened external skeleton found in all insects, type of insect that feeds on multiple plant species that are …

Animals and Their Habitats! crossword puzzle
Animals and Their Habitats!

this little animal stinks, this animal has very large antlers, this animals has stripes, this animal is the largest on land, this animal looks most …

Honey Bees crossword puzzle
Honey Bees

a person who takes care of bees, a commonly used vertical modular beehive, a horizontal beehive with foundation-less frames, a feature on a bees' hind …

Animal Habitats crossword puzzle
Animal Habitats

where do snakes live?, where do polar bears live?, where do bees live?, where do birds live?, where do rhinos live?, where do penguins live?, where do …

Forest Animals crossword puzzle
Forest Animals

it is very smart. it has red fur, it is small. it loves to climb trees and store nuts for the winter, it is big. it hibernates in the winter. it loves …

Wild Animals crossword puzzle
Wild Animals

the king of the jungle, a very fast animal, a fish that has got big teeth, a small animal that lives in poland, a big monkey, an animal that lives in …

Animals in a Human World crossword puzzle
Animals in a Human World

whenever you travel, you can see animals being walked, herded, fed or _ , sar dogs must be strong, _ , athletic and smart, more importantly, beagles …

Sea, Forest, and Home Animals crossword puzzle
Sea, Forest, and Home Animals

eight-armed cephalopod with suction cups, cunning carnivore with bushy tail, intelligent marine mammal with fins, small rodent often kept as pet, …

About Animal Crossword Puzzles

Animal crossword puzzles will help improve your child's vocabulary, knowledge of animals, and problem-solving skills. These puzzles can range from simple and educational for kids to complex and challenging for adults. Print them out and enjoy some quality family time together!

How to Download Crossword Puzzles?

  • Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
  • Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.

Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.

How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?

You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.

Categories of Animal Crosswords

Here you will find crosswords related to the following categories:

  • Wildlife Crosswords: Clues about wild animals, their habitats, and behavior (e.g., "The king of the jungle," Answer: Lion).
  • Pet-Themed Crosswords: These are focused on common pets like dogs, cats, birds, and fish.
  • Marine Animals: Centered around aquatic life, such as whales, sharks, coral, and crustaceans.
  • Birds and Insects: Clues about specific species, migratory patterns, or unique behaviors.
  • Endangered Species: Highlighting animals that are rare or at risk of extinction, fostering awareness.
  • Mythical Creatures: Combining fantasy and zoology with puzzles about unicorns, griffins, and phoenixes.