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Society and Culture Crossword Puzzles
Society and Culture Crossword Puzzles are a fun and educational way to learn more about the world around you. They cover a variety of topics, from history to current events. Each puzzle will challenge your knowledge of important topics like history, geography, and culture. We'll also be including a variety of bonus puzzles, such as word searches, cryptograms, and Anagrams.
the word coffee originates from this language, where was the world's largest cup of coffee made?, this company has a coffee shop in the cia, coffee …
he believed that you can separate the soul and the body, love of other living beings, the first moral philosopher, oneness and absolute reality, basic …
one of the six indigenous groups in the philippines, grabbed the throne from datu dinagandan and ruled the province of aklan in the 14th century, …
a favorite rhythmic adaptation made by singers of spirituals, "follow the drinking gourd" was a song that referred slaves to a _ , signaled …
founded by james oglethorpe and was set aside strictly for military use, this colony was founded in 1634 by lord baltimore, founded in 1681 by william …
a mobile, desktop and internet based application that allows users to share photos and videos publicly or privately, american technology company that …
full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing, cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of …
a statement or series of statements that supports a particular point of view, information or data that supports an argument, a statement that can be …
feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured, wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly, able to …
the relative number of individuals of each age in the population, reproduction in which an organism produces all of its offspring in a single event, a …
pattern of clinging and obedience, fear of separation and ongoing need to be taken care of, rely on others so much that they cannot make the smallest …
please play your music _ , what should you say if you walk in front of someone?, if you borrow something you should always _ it, if you make someone …
someone who doesn't know what's going on, someone who's unhappy because something did not happen, very happy, very sad, very tired, someone who talks …
when i get all of my exercises done and i can tell that i'm getting stronger, if i got a new video game, when my parents give me a hug, if i have a …
_ percent of high school students say that they are bullied at school, positive reinforcement versus negative reinforcement, need for attention; …
the achievement of a desired outcome or goal. example: "her hard work and dedication led to her success in the business.", something …
element of motivation in organizations because it determines the level of effort and dedication that employees are willing to put into their work, …
term for wearing jeans low, name of late show host, company that famously reminded the public "be kind, rewind", moody, monotone female …
ability to recover quickly from difficulties, the quality of being gentle and considerate, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, …
the power to make choices based on your values and beliefs rather than succumbing to peer pressure, personal limits that can help you resist negative …
cultural _ - ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures (two words), cultural _ - understanding of the differences between …
to communicate with others, a dog or a cat, a meditative practice, where you use specific poses, what you do while looking at a book, you watch it in …
in the 1960’s, franco decided to restore the _ after his death, adolfo suarez was the _ after the franco dictatorship, during the franco …
perplexed and very confused, deeply sincere and genuine, unlikely, implausible, unconvincing, lacking in liveliness, intensity, or strength, extremely …
enjoys trying new and exciting experiences, often willing to take risks, quick-witted, intelligent, and good at solving problems, self-assured and …
it is the perspective that suggests that cultural norms, values, and practices should be understood and evaluated within the context of their own …
adherence to a set of values and obligations, formally agreed-upon codes of conduct and reasonable expectations of clients, colleagues and coworkers, …
going straight to the source, taking a problem-solving approach and giving people the benefit of the doubt are all ways of handling _ , the …
it is a universal greeting, we use it when we want someone to do something for us, you use it to ask for repetition, when someone enters a place (it …
the quality of being kind and willing to give freely, whether it is money, time, or kindness, without expecting anything in return, sympathetic …