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Society and Culture Crossword Puzzles
Society and Culture Crossword Puzzles are a fun and educational way to learn more about the world around you. They cover a variety of topics, from history to current events. Each puzzle will challenge your knowledge of important topics like history, geography, and culture. We'll also be including a variety of bonus puzzles, such as word searches, cryptograms, and Anagrams.
this leadership method involves providing clear instructions and closely supervising the team, in this leadership style, the leader persuades and …
standing together and supporting each other, having the freedom to do what we want, not thinking we are better than others, treating everyone fairly, …
a person from ireland is.., a person from wales is.., a person from new zealand is.., a person from the usa is.., a person from china is.., a person …
maintaining these can help develop a good support system, keep on trying especially when things are difficult, setting these will help you focus on …
a mobile, desktop and internet based application that allows users to share photos and videos publicly or privately, american technology company that …
_ before you speak is a good social skill to practice, _ others the way you want to be treated, taking responsibility for your own actions, how you …
term for wearing jeans low, name of late show host, company that famously reminded the public "be kind, rewind", moody, monotone female …
full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing, cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of …
consent or readiness to do something, the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier, subject to the obligation to report, explain, or …
another name for working from home, the act of giving another person a specific responsibility for doing something, the workers who someone is …
a dutch queen who helped the netherlands stay neutral during wwi, an empress who was one of the first people to recognize women's rights, a queen who …
founded by james oglethorpe and was set aside strictly for military use, this colony was founded in 1634 by lord baltimore, founded in 1681 by william …
cultural _ - ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures (two words), cultural _ - understanding of the differences between …
ensuring everyone has the same rights and opportunities, embracing and valuing differences in people’s backgrounds, actively involving everyone, …
the idea you have of yourself, this type of parent might say, "let's talk about it.", involve physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and …
feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured, wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly, able to …
paddle, pirates booty, bouillon, captain, east coast state, pirate, ship weapon, pirates drink, storage container, castaway home, parrot that wants a …
they hid here and attacked the persians by boat, were stories about greek gods, most powerful city-state after the persian war, they blocked this …
the word coffee originates from this language, where was the world's largest cup of coffee made?, this company has a coffee shop in the cia, coffee …
an appropriate time to use this conflict management style is when there are no time restraints or when issues leave no clear or simple solutions , …
a type of speech that tells a story, the purpose of a narrative speech is to do this, a professional disagreement and conversational discourse of …
pursuing a goal with relentless determination, progress and growth, rather than perfection, keep actions aligned with their goals, to extend …
a description of life during the 1800's and early 1900's; looks great on the outside but is rotten on the inside, an industrialist who exploited the …
the male parent, formal term for mom, a male child, what do you call a female child?, a male sibling, a female who shares at least one biological or …
unclear expressions, failure to understand the other person's needs or creates problems for potential safety issues, make fair decisions, the ability …
qualified and capable of performing a task, tolerant and understanding, able to deal with frustration, open to new experiences, doing what you are …
when a person who is divorced gets married again, actions/duties you are expected to carry out, when two people live together, have a sexual …
going straight to the source, taking a problem-solving approach and giving people the benefit of the doubt are all ways of handling _ , the …
a person who is in the same family as somebody else, a brother or sister, a person’s father or mother, a young human who is not yet an adult, a …
enjoys trying new and exciting experiences, often willing to take risks, quick-witted, intelligent, and good at solving problems, self-assured and …