Coping Skills Crossword Puzzle
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- talk : to communicate with others.
- pet : a dog or a cat.
- yoga : a meditative practice, where you use specific poses.
- read : what you do while looking at a book.
- tv : you watch it in the day-rooms.
- hope : when you believe things will get better.
- breathe : when you inhale and exhale.
- write: what you do when you use a pen and paper
- music : you listen to it on the radio.
- shower : you take this to clean the outside of your body.
- run : faster than walking.
- game : a fun activity, like scrabble or cards.
- laugh : you do this when you find something funny.
- meditate : the action or practice of meditating.
- puzzle : a game where you fit pieces together to form one picture.
- doodle: to scribble or draw absentmindedly.
- walk : _ don't run.
- journal : what you write your feelings and thoughts in.
- positive self talk : the opposite of negative self talk.