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Kids and School Crossword Puzzles
Keep your kids entertained and educated at the same time with our printable crossword puzzles. These puzzles are a fun and educational way for kids to learn new words and test their spelling skills. They are a lot of fun for kids of all ages, and they also help with educational development. We have a wide variety of different puzzles available, so you can find the perfect one for your child.
objects that belong to set a or set b, a collection of elements, objects that belong to set a and set b, a is a superset of b, set a includes set b, …
your friendly neighbourhood _ , is big and green, tony stark, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, robot, has a shield, played by ryan reynolds, the god …
do you smoke? .., i don´t, she...letters to her friend every week, my teacher...wakes up at 7 o'clock, my teacher...2 languages, my boss is not …
agreement made between god and all life on the earth, described how god found noah to be, because of sin god used this to destroy the earth, …
a character in a spooky story who sleeps during the day and only comes out at night to drink blood, she has written an _ for a magazine, a group of …
at the end of a sentence, used for questions, used to add emphasis or to indicate that words are being spoken in excitement, surprise, or alarm, used …
she wrote the spellings on the white _ _ _ _ _ , it's a type of fruit that is mostly green and grows on a tree, i bought a _ of shoes, there is _ …
a simplified way of dividing a polynomial with another polynomial, the sum or difference of two terms, a number, variable, or product of numbers and …
substances that can't be broken down, tiny packets of electromagnetic radiation or energy, two or substances that have combined together chemically to …
the output of a transformation; a figure resulting from transformation, the input of a transformation; the original figure in a transformation, …
small stick pieces of paper that are used for notes, a book you can write your lessons in, to get rid of pencil writing, a thin plastic object used to …
type of statistic that occurs when data is restricted to organizing, summarizing, and displaying, your math teacher's last name, subset of a …
not proportional or balanced, not characteristic of nature, self, not permitted by law, doing many jobs together, transmits sound far away, not sure, …
you have to count and perhaps add numbers together in this subject, some students learn to play different instruments and tunes in this class, we …
able to be used for a practical purpose, not me, extremely pretty, a 3d square, very large, something that you were already aware of, sounds put …
someone who doesn't know what's going on, someone who's unhappy because something did not happen, very happy, very sad, very tired, someone who talks …
a bar of soap will _ in the bathtub, this animal has horns and eats grass, a female deer, wash your hands with this, please wait one _ , _ on your …
a symbol that takes on different values, an expression that contains only number and operation, it is denoted by n(a), what is single term called, …
a term that has no variable, an equation involving two or more variables, a relation that assigns exactly one value in the range to each value of the …
_ percent of high school students say that they are bullied at school, positive reinforcement versus negative reinforcement, need for attention; …
a substance formed when two or more elements chemically bond together, the scale to measure how acid or alkaline a substance is, a process in which …
she _ _ her children just in the same way her mother did. (= raise), he left home after he _ _ with his parents. (=argue), how can he _ _ on so …
[intransitive, transitive] to wake up; to make somebody wake up, linking verb used when you are naming people or things, describing them or giving …
a question that can be answered by collecting data that are expected to vary, a data display that shows data as dots above a number line, box and _ - …
a polygon with no sides, a 6-sided polygon, a 9-sided polygon, two lines on the same plane but never meet, has a starting point but no ending point, a …
we went sledding, _ we would have rather gone skiing, we were whispering _ we were watching the deer so that we wouldn't scare them off, it will not …
i … green shorts and white t-shirts, i … english with my penfriend, the wind … in the evening, i … a glass of orange juice, i … a stone into …
a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings, the time of the day between sunrise and sunset, the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, the …
particles have a fixed shape, can change its shape depending on the container, particles have a lot of energy, another word for objects around us …
the opposite of dirty, the opposite of shallow, the opposite of late, the opposite of near, the opposite of empty, the opposite of dark, the opposite …