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Agriculture, Farming & Forestry Crossword Puzzles
Agriculture, farming, and forestry crossword puzzles provide a fun and educational way to brush up on your knowledge of agriculturally related terms.
With these exciting crosswords, you can effortlessly learn more about these fascinating fields while having a great time doing it! Download them instantly, print them out, and enjoy!
a group of a specific species of animals (cattle, swine, goats), a group of a specific species of animals (sheep, poultry), multiple offspring …
used to make windrows, smallest grain truck, haul bales on this, has a flat bed, harvests crops, puts seed into ground, used to hit fence staples, …
a part of a plant that develops into a leaf or a flower, one of the usually brightly coloured leaf-like parts of a flower, the part of a plant that …
looking for bugs, cutting and trimming branches, removing old flowers, adding nutrients, make the sides look tidy, removing unwanted plants from the …
flower associated with war memorials, orange ones can make you think of the netherlands, this flower is considered sacred in asia, due to it's colour, …
tool for digging and planting, chemical that kills weeds, growing plants in water, a plant that lives many years, trimming plants and trees, begin to …
the process of cutting down and obtaining the required crop, the unwanted plants that grow, the act of giving water to the plants, a person who owns …
the art or practice of garden cultivation and management, decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer, a synthetic material made from a wide …
this vividly colored flower shares a name with the colored part of your eye, a bright, yellow flower with 6 petals, this pink flower is common in …
rock and organic material that is broken down to create new soil; a soil's parent, to continue to have something; to keep something, third layer of …
they aid soil aeration and help it maintain porosity, can be useful in controlling erosion: reducing flows by storing runoff, are one of the most …
what revolution is a process where many countries became self-sufficient in food production?, what can was invented through the "bug-bomb" …
the hardened forewings of beetles, hardened external skeleton found in all insects, type of insect that feeds on multiple plant species that are …
the science and art of growing plants for use and beauty, the planting , harvesting, storing, processing, and marketing of fruit and nut crops, the …
the layer of soil rich in organic material, breaking down of rocks to form soil. the process of removing nutrients from the soil through farming or …
direction in the response to an period inactivity in a prior to germination, evaporation of water from plant leaves, the outer layer or tissue in a …
seed growth process, seed _ water and swells, hard seed casing, i grow first and downwards, not needed for germination, living things need this to …
modern day technology used to do work, a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand, job in neolithic time that …
this word describes anything related to horses, this word describes anything related to cattle, a baby horse, a group of chickens, a group of cattle, …
teaching and program management in agriculture, type of resources provided by nature that can replace themselves, management of agricultural …
gmo full name, how organisms are made into gmos, a concern people have about gmos, the place that approves gmos to the public, the process of farming/ …
the aqueous space outside the stacks of thylakoids, the process in which a single cell divides to form two daughter cells and the cell plate is …
this herb retains its flavor on drying better than many other herbs, this is an annual herb in the celery family, harvest the seeds from this flower …
where you buy plants, an item that scares birds, the natural science that involves the study of life and living organisms, a plant that takes two …
study of human society and how people interact with each other , analyze grain dry and store grain as it is brought in for sale, deals with growing …
the process of cutting down and obtaining the required crop, the protection of crops from insects and pests, this needs to be done before planting, …
matured ovaries of flowering plants, contain the seeds of the new plant, edible portion of herbaceous (nonwoody) plants, plant that occurs naturally …
the science or practice of farming, a person who studies the origin, management and use of soils, a pale yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and …
clumps of _ hang from strong vines, strong winds make fields of _ wave in the breeze, many _ grow on bushy trees, you cannot watch _ grow under the …
desirable trees left standing to ensure the ecosystem can establish healthy seedlings, practice of planting trees in areas where trees were not …
About Agriculture and Forestry Crossword Puzzles
Explore and learn about the diverse world of farming, horticulture, and natural resources by solving agriculture-themed crossword puzzles.
Agriculture crossword puzzles include topics like plants, animals, eco-friendly farming, and farming history. They come in different difficulty levels, so anyone can enjoy them—from beginners to experienced farmers.
How to Download Crossword Puzzles?
- Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
- Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.
Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.
How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?
You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.
Topics of Agriculture Crosswords
Here you will find crosswords related to the following categories:
- Crop cultivation: grains, fruits, vegetables.
- Farming techniques: irrigation, plowing, fertilization.
- Tools and machinery: tractors, combines, seed drills.
- Livestock: cattle, poultry, sheep, and aquaculture.
- Sustainable practices: organic farming, permaculture, and regenerative agriculture.
- Tree species and types: deciduous, coniferous.
- Forest management: conservation, deforestation, afforestation.
- Lumber: production and logging equipment.
- Roles in ecosystems: biodiversity, carbon sequestration, soil health.