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Physics Crossword Puzzles
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how we typically measure frequency, this is what light is made of, the bottom of a wave, the distance from the top of one wave to the top of another, …
energy that gives us power, when there are more positive charges, magnets have a _ and south pole, when equal forces act on an object, sign for …
the space around a magnet or a current-carrying wire has one of these. (8,5), an alternating current generator. (10), transformer that is used to …
a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter, electromagnetic _ - all possible frequencies of …
changes solid to a liquid and liquid to a gas, special chemical that absorbs some colors and reflect others, microwave radiation will cook your …
something that does not easily allow the transfer of heat or electricity, the standard measurement of energy, the amount of energy required to raise …
fundamental property of matter responsible for static electricity, negatively charged particles involved in static electricity, type of electricity …
it is the transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves, it is the transfer of thermal energy by collisions between particles, materials in …
heat energy, the temperature at which a substance changes state from liquid to gas, the physical change in matter from a gas to a liquid, the …
curved mirror which the reflective surface bulges out towards the light, curved mirror that forms a part of a sphere, thin layer or tissue that lines …
the standard unit of time is _ , is a change in position overtime, is speed in a specific direction, the standard unit of length is _ , tells us the …
a piece of iron that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, an electromotive force or potential …
a surface which reflects a clear image, an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, object that is triangular with refracting surfaces that …
comes from things like the sun, light bulbs and candles. it bounces off of things and allows us to see, curved mirrors that allow us to see a wider …
the distance between two identical points on a wave, a smooth surface that reflects light to form images, a line that indicates the path of light, …
distance an object travels in a given unit of time, combination of all forces acting on the object, product of an object's mass and velocity, force of …
a push or pull on an object, the amount of force needed to move an object, when two forces acting on an object are equal and opposite, when an object …
newton's _ law of motion: "an object in motion will continue in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.", the force that pulls all …
a change in position/distance between one object and a point of reference, the amount of matter in an object, the total length of the path taken by an …
the tendency of all objects to resist a change in motion, the combination of all the forces acting on an object, a friction-like force that opposes …
lowest possible temperature; the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases, temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 0 °c, …
transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves, temperature scale scientists use, lowest temperature possible, equal to zero kelvins, circular motion …
friction is a _ that opposes the motion of objects, when two surfaces of two objects rub against each other, _ exists, friction always acts _ the …
when two substances rearrange to make a new substance, no coefficient or subscript means _ atom or molecule, a change in this might signal a chemical …
it is a push or a pull, the speed of an object in one direction, it is equal to 1/2 agt, the angle between the initial velocity of an object from a …
_ forces act between two objects that are physically touching, pressure applied to an object by another object e.g. picking up a pen, a force of …
the force that causes the circular motion of planets in orbit, is to easier or harder to close a door from the middle than from the handle?, …
a massive explosion marking the end of a massive star's life, the chemical reaction that occurs in the sun, a massive explosion marking the end of a …
name given to waves used to carry any type of signal. (6), short for charge-coupled device, an electronic device that creates an electronic signal …
the reflection of sound that can be heard. (4), point where a longitudinal is squeezed together. (11), to move to and fro about a certain position …