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Physics Crossword Puzzles
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when light is taken in instead of bouncing or bending, energy that travels in waves to the ears, this happens when light bounces off a surface, this …
1 atm pressure, liquid water always changes to gaseous water at 100 degrees celsius, a measure of the random motions of the components of a substance, …
a material through which electricity does not flow, a circuit with more than one path for an electric current, a moving electrical charge, a circuit …
the reflection of sound that can be heard. (4), point where a longitudinal is squeezed together. (11), to move to and fro about a certain position …
in a transverse wave, as the particles move up and down, the waves move _ , the _ is the high point of the wave, a wave is the movement of _ in a …
a push or pull on an object, the amount of force needed to move an object, when two forces acting on an object are equal and opposite, when an object …
unit of frequency, one wave per second, speed at which wave travels (d/t), object vibrating at or near a resonant frequency of a 2nd object causes the …
travels at 186,000 miles per second, converts sunlight to convert light to electricity, light changes direction between one medium and another, light …
the measure of how far an object moves in a given amount of time, the rate at which velocity changes, a quantity that has both size and direction, a …
when data produces a straight line graph, when speed is increasing, when speed is decreasing, the rate of change of position, speed in a given …
takes place with any change of velocity, a length vector pointing to its starting point to its end point, how much a certain quantity changes, …
a surface which reflects a clear image, an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, object that is triangular with refracting surfaces that …
something that does not easily allow the transfer of heat or electricity, the standard measurement of energy, the amount of energy required to raise …
newton's _ law of motion: "an object in motion will continue in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.", the force that pulls all …
a device that uses a magnet to convert sound into electrical charges, an electrical circuit that produces a magnetic field, materials that do not …
transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves, temperature scale scientists use, lowest temperature possible, equal to zero kelvins, circular motion …
acronym for visible light, longest wavelength on em spectrum, green, blue, red, consists of types of radiation, waves and light, can't see through it, …
fundamental property of matter responsible for static electricity, negatively charged particles involved in static electricity, type of electricity …
an object that turns is a _ , the point around which the lever turns is a _ , when bending an arm, the _ is the pivot, when bending a leg, the _ is …
how far an object moves, how far an object moves of a certain amount of time, a push or pull on an object, the surfaces of two objects rubbing …
a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter, electromagnetic _ - all possible frequencies of …
the amount of matter in an object, the change in velocity(speed, direction or both), a place or object, appears to be stationary, used for comparison …
an object is moved away from something;, the north and south poles are opposite ends of a magnet (the magnetic field flows from north to south);, a …
when two parallel wires carry currents in opposite directions, their magnetic fields _ each other, the galvanometer is connected in series with a …
study of the very small, mass multiplied by velocity, the energy dependent on the object's position, the energy that includes both potential and …
it is a push or a pull, the speed of an object in one direction, it is equal to 1/2 agt, the angle between the initial velocity of an object from a …
what sound waves travel through to get to your ear, sound travels faster in..., high and low frequencies are called, back and forth, fast movements, …
the tendency of all objects to resist a change in motion, the combination of all the forces acting on an object, a friction-like force that opposes …
distance covered by an object in a unit time, uniform motion is observed when an object covers a particular distance with a constant velocity …
how we typically measure frequency, this is what light is made of, the bottom of a wave, the distance from the top of one wave to the top of another, …