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Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles
Explore the wonders of nature with our free printable Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles collection. These are good to test your knowledge about your surrounding, like biomes, ecology, environment, and climate change. Help your kids understand the importance of ecology and climate with our free Ecology and Climate crossword puzzles to help them better understand these topics.
These puzzles provide an excellent way to review vocabulary related to climate and ecology, finding connections between concepts. Download and print to see how many clues you can solve.
pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds, cumulus clouds are the puffy clouds that look like puffs of cotton, a tool that …
the variety of species in earth's ecosystems, the result of a cause leading to a change or multiple changes, a species introduced to a new ecosystem …
a storm with a violent wind, in particular, a tropical cyclone in the caribbean, a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the …
a living renewable energy source, what kind of transportation is “people powered”, what is the most widely used renewable power source, what part …
an individual living thing composed of one or more cells, the overlapping of food chains in an ecosystem, energy links between different organisms in …
water turbidity in fish ponds is commonly measured using this instrument, it is one of the various methods of water treatment used in catfish farming …
unsustainable use of natural resources, the natural environment in which a species lives and grows, concerned with beauty or the appreciation of …
natural underground reservoirs of porous layers of sand, rock or gravel, pressure which creates resistance against the flow of water, widely used in …
feeding relationships among various organisms in an ecosystem, combined portions of earth in which all life exists, soil bacteria convert nitrates …
to move from one object to another or one place to another, weather over time, when something becomes different over time, an amount of air that moves …
the first earth day was celebrated this year, the environmental book "silent spring" by rachel carson was published in this year, the theme …
the place where animals and or plant species live, a great variety of plants and animals that live in the same environment, the process by which an …
variety of life forms within a system, a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, along with weather and landscape, work together, …
waste material or items that are discarded and no longer needed or wanted, the act of throwing away or discarding food that could have been eaten or …
the living things and nonliving things in an area, an organism that uses the sun’s energy to make its own food, an animal that eats other organisms …
where carbon is originally located, non-living things, element that has to be converted through nitrogen fixation, process of chemical elements being …
holds more water vapor, increasing (high)air pressure signals this type of weather. (fair or stormy), in a high pressure system, cool air masses …
able to be broken down by living organisms such as bacteria, which is then safe for the environment, describing a state in which carbon dioxide …
the introduction of harmful substances into the environment, land consisting of marshes or swamps, often waterlogged, the light and warmth provided by …
tiny solid particles in the air, a product of incomplete combustion, the measurement of how hot or cold the air is, the outermost layer of earth's …
a way to divide a place into smaller areas, time _ are areas that share the same clock time, a _ map shows states, countries, and boundaries, a …
a colour often linked to sustainability(5), the type of energy provided by the sun?(5), the method used for growing plants in water?(10), the method …
the well-lit, open surface waters in a lake away from the shore, matter that settles to the bottom of a body of water, an environmental factor that …
are organisms with shells/skeletons made from calcium carbonate, is the exchange of carbon dioxide rapidly between plants and animals through …
a _ assessment is carried out to assess the environmental impact of a product, the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted …
the species that benefits from a relationship that harms the other species, symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits but the other species …
continuous movement of water between earth's surface and air, gets energy from feeding directly on producers or the animals that feed on producers, …
the largest ocean, having to do with the sea, an animal that eats animals for its food, the prey of polar bears, an instrument with powerful lenses …
transported by currents from the earth's equator to the poles, current: carries warm water away from the equator toward cool areas, long-term weather …
a type of wave with a weak swash and strong backwash, when a spit connects across two headlands, the wearing away and removal of rock, when minerals …
About Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles
Ecology & Environment based crossword puzzles feature terms and concepts related to sustainability, ecosystems, biodiversity, and environmental science.
Themes, Categories and Topics
- Biodiversity: Explore terms related to ecosystems, species, and habitats.
- Climate Change: Learn about global warming, greenhouse gases, and renewable energy.
- Sustainability: Highlight practices like recycling, upcycling, and eco-friendly technologies.
- Marine Ecology: Focus on coral reefs, ocean currents, and aquatic life.
- Forestry and Conservation: Cover deforestation, wildlife sanctuaries, and conservation efforts.
Whether you're a teacher, student, or nature lover, it's a fun way to test your brain and enjoy nature.
How to Download Crossword Puzzles?
- Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
- Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.
Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.
How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?
You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.