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Geography Crossword Puzzles
Do you love learning about new places and cultures? If so, then you'll love our geography crossword puzzles! These puzzles are a fun and educational way to learn more about the world around us. We have a variety of different puzzles for you to choose from, including puzzles for North America, Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. We also have puzzles that focus on specific countries or regions. So get your thinking caps on and start solving some geography crossword puzzles today!
igneous rock that has formed from lava, passes through the earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground, widespread and rapid decrease in biodiversity, a …
this animal lives in the emergent layer, this is the tallest type of tree in the forest, the colour of the river dolphins, this is how the indigenous …
what the giant statues are called, he named and discovered the island, these formed the island, what easter island is, the month when the island was …
disease spread by mosquitoes that causes fever and pain, some 50 species of lemurs live only on this island, practice that tries to dominate other …
a popular tourist destination (city) in british columbia, ocean off of canada's east coast (by newfoundland), how canada is divided up, a large body …
capital of guatemala, largest country in the caribbeans, country east of chile, capital of brazil, language spoken in portugal, capital of costa rica, …
the third largest and warmest ocean on earth, the continent which is located completely in the northern and western hemisphere where 80% of the people …
a storm with a violent wind, in particular, a tropical cyclone in the caribbean, a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the …
i wear it when its cold. i wear it around my neck, i wear it when it's cold. i wear it on my feet, i wear it when it's sunny. i protect my eyes from …
the natural world of land, water, air, plants, and animals, material that is able to be readily decomposed or broken down by biological means, …
to change in form appearance or structure, the geological process in which sediments,soil and rocks are added to a landform of land mass, the process …
the path taken by a river, does not allow water to pass through, a smaller river that feeds into a larger river, starting point of a river, point …
desert in southern africa, flows between atlantic ocean and central africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world, sea between africa …
this place is not real, strong winds up to 6 kilometers high!, be careful of this plant - it can hurt you too!, our body gives us this when it gets to …
city of independence hall, home state of the crazy horse memorial , state of the grand canyon, north america's tallest mountain, city of fort sumter, …
suspended fabric bed for leisurely relaxation in tropical settings, tall, slender tree with a single trunk and large, feather-like leaves, underwater …
a narrow strip of land that protects the mainland shore from ocean waves, exact global address of a place, regards to an area in the city, document or …
this place is rich in woods, peaks, and even glaciers (2 words), a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth:, a vent in the crust of …
continued use of chemical fertilizer can cause ---- to build up, a desert located in southern, what river provides the sahel with water, area with a …
a person that practices one of the main religions in india, number of letters in the arabic alphabet, the most famous dance in brazil, what iran used …
the german scientist who theorized the continental drift theory, type of geography that refers to the people living in an area, the name of the …
the caribbean is located in the western and _ hemispheres, the bahamas is a democracy under the authority of the _ monarchy, a country controlled by …
a way to divide a place into smaller areas, time _ are areas that share the same clock time, a _ map shows states, countries, and boundaries, a …
this plateau lies at the foot of a mountain range, the highest point of a mountain is called its _ , _ processes occur inside the earth’s surface …
be able to live with basic needs, something that you would find on a beach, a fertile spot in the dessert, where you can find water, different types …
a large underground chamber formed when rainwater follows the cracks in a rock and begins to dissolve the rock, a type of valley formed by a glacier …
high elevations at all latitudes, incoming solar radiation is the energy input for the climate system, winds flow from areas of high pressure to areas …
a _ assessment is carried out to assess the environmental impact of a product, the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted …
it is an extension of the gulf of oman. it is between iran and the arabian peninsula, middle east, bordering the mediterranean sea, between egypt and …
empty, dry, rocky area that makes up much of the desert, qaddafi was this type of leader, vital to the success of egypt's agriculture, areas of soft …