Africa Geography Crossword Puzzle

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Africa Geography Crossword Puzzle

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  • kalahari : desert in southern africa
  • congo river : flows between atlantic ocean and central africa
  • nile : generally regarded as the longest river in the world
  • red : sea between africa and asia
  • lake chad : lake in the sahel
  • mediterranean sea : waterway between africa, asia, europe
  • river : zambezi _ flows between the mozambique channel and southern africa
  • equator : imaginary line dividing earth into northern and southern hemispheres
  • indian ocean : between africa, india, australia
  • orange : river that flows between atlantic ocean and south africa
  • capricorn : tropic of _ is an imaginary line circling the earth 23 1/2 degrees south of the equator
  • cancer : tropic of _ is an imaginary line circling the earth 23 1/2 degrees north of the equator
  • madagascar : island nation
  • sahel : strip of dry grasslands on southern border of sahara; also known as "shore of the desert"
  • atlas : mountains along northern edge of africa
  • europe : continent north of africa
  • sahara desert : traveled across by camel caravans so goods and ideas could be exchanged between north and west africa
  • great rift valley : grasslands that run down the eastern side of africa,
  • limpopo : river that flows between indian ocean and southern africa
  • atlantic : ocean west of africa
  • senegal river : trade route of former ghana empire