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Occasions Crossword Puzzles
Celebrate a special occasion with our printable crossword puzzles! We have puzzles for all sorts of occasions, including birthdays, anniversaries, and even Valentine's Day. Our puzzles are a great way to entertain friends and family during get-togethers. They're perfect for keeping kids occupied on long car rides or flights. Simply download the puzzle you need, print it out, and get started!
a celebration in which people decorate a pine tree and give gifts to each other, a celebration in which families gather together to have a feast and …
became popular in marriages in the medieval times, the ancient greek goddess of love, inheritance is passed through the male line, marrying outside of …
rhymed writing for your love interest, romantic planned time out, blanket, basket and food, shape associated with love, you light it, will you be my _ …
head of the krewe, king of mardi gras, fat monday, fashion of dress for a particular occasion, a male sovereign or monarch, fat tuesday, a large …
the leaves they waved at jesus, jesus said, “i am the _ of the world!”, what jesus and his disciples ate at the last supper, jesus’ crown was …
what is celebrated on march 17?, what color are you supposed to wear on st. patrick's day?, march _ , 4 leaf _ , foue-leaf clovers bring you _ , a …
the catholic church recognizes at least _ different saints named valentine or valentinus, all of whom were martyred, one legend contends that …
a bread mixture to put inside the turkey, sauce for meat and potatoes, yellow spread for bread, a long green vegetable that we cook, a sweet yellow …
symbol is ti, the chemical symbol for this element is v, this kind of altitude makes milk more dense, the atomic number for this element is 13. the …
an irish type of dance, the day st. patrick's day falls on, another name for a shamrock, this bearded man wears a green suit and hat, if you don't …
lincoln's nickname was " _ abe, abraham lincoln is the _ president of the united states, type of hat lincoln wore, coin abraham lincoln is on, …
traditional irish food, doing something you decide to do, feeling pleased, feeling thankful for something, branch of the indo-european family, …
the action of the bread and wine turning into the body and blood of christ, the mass begins with this when the priest enters the church and makes his …
Independence Day, also called Fourth of July or July 4th, in the United States, the annual celebration of nationhood.
what did the grinch say wasn't working on the christmas tree?, what is the name of the mountain the grinch lives on?, what is the name of the grinch's …
_ the snowman, _ the herald angels sing, o little town of _ , _ the red-nosed reindeer, _ is comin' to town, you're a mean one _ , we three _ of …
groom, a young boy who carries rings at the wedding, they said, a young girl who carries flowers at the wedding, bride, guys who stand with the groom, …
the flower of love, type of candy you give on valentine's day, japan's "opposite" of valentine's day (2 words), something cupid shoots with …
cupid has what name in greek mythology?, this state produces most of america's red roses, wales celebrates valentine's day (saint dwynwen) on january …
Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14, when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts.
deep affection, lips touching, tasty treat, squeeze tightly, your sweetheart, love symbols, mythical love god, sent to convey something, colorful gift …
this affliction causes excessive romantic desire, before they were candy hearts, they were this, her affair with a handsome count doomed this russian …
another name for the chinese lunar new year, a holiday celebrated during january or february by many asian countries, this red item is often gifted to …
chinese new year is also called _ festival, there are _ inside the red envelopes, the day before chinese new year is called _ of new year, red brings …
is the patron saint for this disease, he wrote parliament of foules, an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for …
what animal's were the first ones to be domesticated in america?, ship name that pilgrim's sailed on, average weight of a turkey purchased for …
eat, drink and be _ , deck the _ , the more, the _ , cold enough to freeze the tail off a _ , like turkeys voting for _ , all the _ of the season, as …
known for making the first american flag, frozen summer treat, 50 stars and red and white stripes, frozen treat on a stick, they don't bark, and can …
a pizza that only has cheese, the different things we put on a pizza, the place a pizza is cooked, the bottom of a pizza, cheesy circle food, a piece …
dr. kind worked for _ ? (2 words), what month do we celebrate martin luther kind day?, city where dr. king was assassinated?, age dr. king was …