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Occasions Crossword Puzzles
Celebrate a special occasion with our printable crossword puzzles! We have puzzles for all sorts of occasions, including birthdays, anniversaries, and even Valentine's Day. Our puzzles are a great way to entertain friends and family during get-togethers. They're perfect for keeping kids occupied on long car rides or flights. Simply download the puzzle you need, print it out, and get started!
if you find one of these it brings you luck, it looks like a u, follow it to its end and you find a pot of gold, little fairy tale person, a ring …
final shape of a folded flag, when a flag is old and damaged you must _ it, the military guys who put up the flag on iwo jima, japan, first name of …
a delicious treat at parties with many layers, colorful decorations that float, what you dance to at a party, fun activities with friends, used to …
a celebration in which people decorate a pine tree and give gifts to each other, a celebration in which families gather together to have a feast and …
_ the snowman, _ the herald angels sing, o little town of _ , _ the red-nosed reindeer, _ is comin' to town, you're a mean one _ , we three _ of …
_ baby, _ the red nosed reindeer, we three kings of _ are, here comes _ , _ the halls with boughs of holly, let it _ , _ bells, i saw mommy _ santa …
what is celebrated on march 17?, what color are you supposed to wear on st. patrick's day?, march _ , 4 leaf _ , foue-leaf clovers bring you _ , a …
the leaves they waved at jesus, jesus said, “i am the _ of the world!”, what jesus and his disciples ate at the last supper, jesus’ crown was …
another name for pancake day, main ingredient in pancakes, a type of thin pancake, citrus fruits squeezed over pancakes, a sweet, sticky pancake …
World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading.
a pizza that only has cheese, the different things we put on a pizza, the place a pizza is cooked, the bottom of a pizza, cheesy circle food, a piece …
the action of the bread and wine turning into the body and blood of christ, the mass begins with this when the priest enters the church and makes his …
jesus' body was wrapped in this, king at the time of jesus' crucifixion, i rolled away the stone in front of the tomb, comforted mary at the foot of …
an irish type of dance, the day st. patrick's day falls on, another name for a shamrock, this bearded man wears a green suit and hat, if you don't …
as a girl, a bad fever left her blind and deaf. after learning through vibrations and touch, she became a champion for people with disabilities, she …
problem gambling is often referred to as a hidden _ , who can develop a gambling problem?, who is committed to keeping our team members engaged in …
cupid has what name in greek mythology?, this state produces most of america's red roses, wales celebrates valentine's day (saint dwynwen) on january …
traditional irish food, doing something you decide to do, feeling pleased, feeling thankful for something, branch of the indo-european family, …
somehow the story or myth is or was that st. patrick long ago drove these figurative real creatures out of the country of ireland; however, these …
sometimes used in math and can also be consumed by infants, a human waste receptacle that is worn, they cause pain during labor, holds liquid and is …
great uncle perry died when his m _ aircraft crashed after a raid on germany, anzac stands for _ and nz army corps, great grandad wally vrede was in …
dr. kind worked for _ ? (2 words), what month do we celebrate martin luther kind day?, city where dr. king was assassinated?, age dr. king was …
a mischievous elf in irish folklore, early medieval alphabet used primarily to write the early irish language, celtic language spoken by people in …
jewish leader, the queen with pimples, what we do on 13th adar, the evil advisor, where the story of purim takes place, feast, what we give to the …
what did the grinch say wasn't working on the christmas tree?, what is the name of the mountain the grinch lives on?, what is the name of the grinch's …
the most misunderstood animal, "this is _ ", they crawl out of the grave, a movie about a predator, shhhh be quiet, _ before christmas, …
spanish phrase meaning happy christmas, in france, merry christmas is exclaimed this way, chinese winter festival, in the uk, this is the holiday …
where was saint patrick believed to have been captured by irish raiders at the age of 16?, what emblem is considered the national symbol of ireland?, …
head of the krewe, king of mardi gras, fat monday, fashion of dress for a particular occasion, a male sovereign or monarch, fat tuesday, a large …
how long is lent?, another name for shrove tuesday is _ supper, louisianna celebrates _ _ , what is the tuesday before lent called?, eggs, milk, …