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Business and Finance Crossword Puzzles
Test your knowledge of business and finance terms with these printable business and finance crossword puzzles. Also these provide a fun way to learn and review ideas, words, and trends about money, business, and investing.
Solving these crossword puzzles are a lot of fun, and they can help improve your financial knowledge at the same time. Download and print it today.
full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing, cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of …
the practice of engaging closely with what a speaker is saying, trustworthy and reliable, to tolerate delay, trouble, or annoyance without getting …
showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc, to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc, character …
federal deposit insurance corporation, an agreement with legal force, decrease in number, the condition of being protected from injury, a financial …
consumer _ considers the many reasons why people shop for products, this consumer personality says how prone you are to negative mental states, this …
a workplace where all workers must belong to the union, railroad heading east from california, companies lock the door and do not allow employee to …
a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object, a group of people that seeks to influence public policy, the total value …
it measures how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate sales, net profit before interest, tax and dividend/ capital employed x 100, …
one who takes risk and initiative to set up their own business, _ tax is paid on business profits, amount of pay you ear before any deductions are …
the amount earned on an investment, related to farming, able to supply ones own self, the cost to take out a loan from a payday loan store, certain …
any cost incurred in the factory, the expenses associated with obtaining sales and the delivery of the product or service, the power to direct others …
evidence that is the least reliable, inherent risk x control risk =......., crypto that has a price pegged to a commodity or currency, type of audit …
what you give up when you choose between two options, the study of how people use limited resources to produce goods and services that people want or …
each information slip is made up of various _ that represent specific types of income or credits, a non-refundable tax credit that can be claimed by …
process of instructing, guiding,motivating and leading the subordinates at work, one head and one plan for activities having common objectives, the …
a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim, an object, a person or a place that …
an entrepreneur takes a calculated _ by investing money in a business opportunity, _ work for themselves and create their own jobs, entrepreneurs …
patented the telegraph in 1837, an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, …
the money one has saved, especially through a bank or official scheme, a certificate issued by a government or a public company promising to repay …
the desire for goods and services, basic requirements for human survival, goods and services for ordinary people rather than businesses, goods and …
tracking the pattern of eye movements to determine what part of an advertisement consumers look at and for what length, the process of gathering, …
incoterm where shipping and insurance is the responsibility of the buyer, rejection of an old offer and creation of a new offer, extending the …
forward information to others in the organization, send memos and reports, make phone calls, intuition or gut feeling, involved in the use of …
these are individuals or organisations that have purchased shares in the business, the other name of the matrix structure, organisation based on …
responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization, entrepreneur, disturbance …
hard physical work, someone who produces something, another word for something you really want, money a person receives on a regular bases, things …
an insufficient quantity to satisfy everyone’s wants, an economic system in which decisions about how resources are used, what goods and services …
these are the services that assist with the buying and selling of goods and services, a system where there is little specialization or trade. people …
direct deposit, automatic payments, overdraft protects, online banking, discounts or free checking for students, the amount of money currently in an …
paid for each item or piece they produce, employee who is paid by the hour works for an, pay that is twice the regular-time pay rate, common average, …
About Business & Finance Crossword Puzzles
Business and finance crossword puzzles test your knowledge of words and ideas used in economics, accounting, marketing, and investing. They are great for students who want to study, professionals who want to stay sharp, or anyone who enjoys learning about the business world. These puzzles make learning fun and relaxing.
How to Download Crossword Puzzles?
- Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
- Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.
Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.
How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?
You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.