Financial and Accounting Terms Crossword Puzzle
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- financing : is the process of determining the appropriate forms and sources of finance
- variable costs : vary in direct proportion to changes in sales volume
- prospectus : legal document intended to fully and accurately inform the public about the company and its prospects
- liability : amounts owed by a business to external parties
- inventory : stock - items manufactured or purchased by the business for sale to the customers
- risk management : is the process of identifying and minimizing the potential cost of unfavourable events.
- asset : item of value which is owned by an organization
- balance sheet : is a list of all the assets, liabilities and owners equity of an organization at a point in time
- revenue : an amount of money regularly coming in.
- insurance : is a service offering protection against future possible loss as a result of some unfavourable event in the future.
- leasing : is an agreement between businesses detailing that the lessor allows the lessee the use of an asset for a certain period of time, in return of a payment or series of payments.
- cash budget : is a plan for cash receipts, cash payments and the resultant cash balance at certain points in time
- growth : is a financial objective and is concerned with increasing the size of the business
- accounting system : consists of those processes, people, and equipment which capture and convert financial information for use in decision making
- liquidity : is a financial objective of a business and is concerned with being able to meet all cash obligations when they are due
- fixed costs : are costs which remain constant over a period of time and over a wide range of sales volume
- total costs : is the sum of fixed cost plus variable cost
- mortgage loan : is a long term debt, secured by a specific property of the borrower.