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Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles
Do you love listening to music, watching movies, or binge-watching your favorite TV shows? If so, we have the perfect crossword puzzles for you! These printable crosswords are a great way to test your knowledge of music, movie, and TV trivia. They are also a lot of fun to solve. So grab a pencil and get started!
the speed of the beat, coming up with and playing musical ideas spur of the moment, without written music, the most important musical line in a piece …
roll of the head, in dance, the matching of movement to the rhythm, sounds, and moods of the music, dancing with 100% of your energy & …
Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer and actor.
_ the snowman, _ the herald angels sing, o little town of _ , _ the red-nosed reindeer, _ is comin' to town, you're a mean one _ , we three _ of …
what did princess leia call chewbacca?, what was the boys name who had a crush on princesses leia?, what was the princesses name?, the greatest movie …
one of the golden girls, star of the fresh prince of bel-air, "the tool man", furry alien wise guy, youngest of danny tanner's daughters, …
take on _ , _ child o' mine, i wanna dance with _ , total eclipse of the _ , wake me up before you _ , girls just wanna have _ , don't you _ about me, …
_ baby, _ the red nosed reindeer, we three kings of _ are, here comes _ , _ the halls with boughs of holly, let it _ , _ bells, i saw mommy _ santa …
what was the title of taylor's first album?, what is the name of taylor's brother?, where did taylor donate $50,000 to in 2014?, what is the new of …
two young girls are left at a cabin in the woods, which movie kills off their high-profile main character at the very beginning with a gruesome …
the wooden part of the guitar, if you play an instrument you are called this, the guitar is not a car it is an?, a guitar that can be plugged into a …
the name of oberon's servant, when a feeling (like love) is not returned, arguments, fighting or a battle, when there is no order and everyone is …
we are in a constant state of, when we judge, like or dislike, we.., what if all choices were just a series of these?, our roles in life need to be , …
a type of performance where actors act out a story on stage, a role or part played by an actor in a play or show, someone who pretends to be a …
sitcom about six friends in new york city, show about a chemistry teacher turned meth maker, animated series featuring a yellow family, fantasy series …
the orientation of the actor to the audience, the conversation between actors on stage, a male who performs a role in a play, detailed information …
a science fiction film directed by james cameron, set on the planet pandora, a romantic drama film about the ill-fated voyage of the rms titanic, a …
the streaming platform that hosts 'stranger things', a british spy known for his martinis "shaken, not stirred", netflix series about a …
mozart spent many years freelancing in this city, keyboard instrument mass produced after the industrial revolution, this opera is a comedy about a …
books set in modern times and based on modern situations, story about a hero like king arthur or robin hood, what genre includes magical stories like …
captain america has lifted his weapon, 100% the best female, joined a traveling circus as a kid, one of two characters to be a villain in more than …
who humiliated her at the 2009 vmas?, what song did she make a ten minute version of?, which album did she re-record first?, what song did she make to …
looking carefully at evidence to solve crimes, people who stop criminals as their job, another word for being spy related activity. espi _ , a famous …
darry, soda, and ponyboy are all _ , what was ponyboy's favorite soda?, how old was ponyboy?, the brother's _ died when they were younger, what town …
can't even be woken up by an alarm, my nose grows if i tell a lie, i am a singing snow man, story of a hawaiian girl, i have long magical hair, i am …
romantic drama about a doomed ship voyage, sci-fi thriller about dreams within dreams, historical drama about a roman warrior’s revenge, thriller …
main character, nickname caveman, there's nothing in his head!, who stanley "stole" the shoes from, this isn't girl scouts, got slashed by …
what is the scarecrow afraid of?, dorothy saw a very big _ on the green chair, dorothy put on the red shoes, what did everyone wear in the emerald …
person who organizes the money, this is what happens in the story, the type of show, a cowboy movie, the person who controls the actors, all the …
video that helps show the story that is not the main interview, camera remains in place while lens is moved left & right, camera remains in place …