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Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles
Do you love listening to music, watching movies, or binge-watching your favorite TV shows? If so, we have the perfect crossword puzzles for you! These printable crosswords are a great way to test your knowledge of music, movie, and TV trivia. They are also a lot of fun to solve. So grab a pencil and get started!
two young girls are left at a cabin in the woods, which movie kills off their high-profile main character at the very beginning with a gruesome …
the distance between two pitches, the space between two bar lines, lowers a pitch a half step, another term for 4/4 time, sing softly, the relative …
take on _ , _ child o' mine, i wanna dance with _ , total eclipse of the _ , wake me up before you _ , girls just wanna have _ , don't you _ about me, …
what is the family struggling to survive on the outskirts of landford?, which tv series do the married couple samantha and jay belong to?, who would …
long-running tv family, undersea sponge character, cat-and-mouse duo, classic animated characters, mystery-solving dog, charlie brown's gang, the last …
romantic drama about a doomed ship voyage, sci-fi thriller about dreams within dreams, historical drama about a roman warrior’s revenge, thriller …
lost her glass slipper, befriended seven dwarfs, cursed to sleep forever, let down her long hair, kids who found a candy house, visited her …
the origin story of a renegade warrior before her encounter with mad max, an animated adventure where a cat goes on a risky heist with his …
sitcom about six friends in new york city, show about a chemistry teacher turned meth maker, animated series featuring a yellow family, fantasy series …
a 1978 film featuring the iconic masked killer, michael myers, a 1960 alfred hitchcock thriller known for its famous shower scene, the mastermind …
the streaming platform that hosts 'stranger things', a british spy known for his martinis "shaken, not stirred", netflix series about a …
trumpet legend of "kind of blue", saxophonist known for "a love supreme", iconic trumpet player and singer, famous bandleader and …
you had me at " _ ", i'll have what she's _ , the stuff that _ are made of, you can't handle the _ , may the _ be with you, i'll be _ , …
what is the scarecrow afraid of?, dorothy saw a very big _ on the green chair, dorothy put on the red shoes, what did everyone wear in the emerald …
two half steps equal a _ , the cleft that refers to the higher pitches, the line that connects two eighth notes, distance between two bar lines, note …
the musical word for volume, the highest sounding instrument of the string family, the note name worth 4 beats, the italian term for loud, this tells …
a person who is nominated as a candidate for election or for an honour or award, platform on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform/speak, a …
famous movie series directed by george lucas, iconic 1933 movie with a brunette star set to be sacrificed before being saved by an unexpected source, …
cyborg's lover, what age group does the titans fall in?, the place they protect, the home of a bee colony, batman's sidekick, the one innocent, alien …
the loudness or softness of sound, also known as the "tune.", the distance between two notes, tone color, sharps or flats at the beginning …
"250, 000 miles on a clear night in june. and i'm aimin' right at you, right at you, right at you." 2010, "became a symbiote, so. my …
comedy about six close friends living in new york city, sitcom about the everyday life of a comedian and his friends, a high school teacher turns to …
a short video that shows parts of a new movie, a very successful and popular movie, the pattern of beats in a song, the words in a song, the most …
films that explore speculative concepts, often set in the future or outer space, involving advanced technology or extraterrestrial life, non-fiction …
what city in germany did the beatles perform in at the beginning of their career?, what is the popularization of british music in america called?, …
the wooden part of the guitar, if you play an instrument you are called this, the guitar is not a car it is an?, a guitar that can be plugged into a …
person who organizes the money, this is what happens in the story, the type of show, a cowboy movie, the person who controls the actors, all the …
the loudness or softness of a musical composition, a place marker in music, when no notes are played, music in an identifiable key, the quick …
the famous vampire other than dracula, the name for a mischievous ghost, spirit, or haunting presence, all pumpkins are this, a type of creature that …
_ the snowman, _ the herald angels sing, o little town of _ , _ the red-nosed reindeer, _ is comin' to town, you're a mean one _ , we three _ of …