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Music, Movies and TV Crossword Puzzles
Free printable music-movies crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
christmas movie "bad _ ", "a _ _ christmas", chevy chase plays this character in "national lampoon's christmas …
a film that tells an exciting and often dangerous story with action-filled scenes, a film that involves conflicts and emotions that create tension and …
information that is passed from one person to another but has not been proven to be true, wealth; a large sum of money, a ship powered by steam, to …
similar in appearance to a clarinet but uses a double-reed, woodwind instrument where air is blown over opening in instrument to produce sound instead …
high pitched woodwind made of metal, woodwind made of many parts, a high pitched, valved brass instrument, the only instrument in the orchestra with a …
joy to the _ , i want a _ for christmas, i saw _ ships, angels _ us, auld _ syne, boogie _ santa claus, deck the _ , _ the snowman, grandma got run …
o come let us _ him, glory to the _ king, _ leading, still proceeding, _ through the snow, walking in a winter _ , may your days be merry and _ , …
a long instrumental section that introduces an entirely different feel than any other previous part of song, nearly always appears in conjunction with …
pop music, written for people to be good for people to dance, how long one note or a whole piece of music lasts, how music can change in volume, a …
monophonic plainchant of the medieval period, a baroque music genre that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra, the most used …
short, separated notes, emphasized note, a note given its full value, a note held until the director cuts off, get louder, get quieter, loud, quiet, …
a word meaning more than one sound developed in the renaissance period, type of hand used for notation in the medieval period, a type of music used in …
how a singer vocalizes the words of a song, the part of your register that resonates in the chest; created by thicker vocal folds, a version of the …
a series of sounds or notes in a piece of music, a family of instruments that are played using strings that make noise, a family of instruments that …
music that moves by semi tone step, either melodically, or harmonically, music that harmonically and melodic follows a key. (lack of many …
1680-1750. music has heavy use of strings and harpsichord. very polyphonic and diatonic, 1750-1820. lots of orchestral and chamber music. clearly …
composer famous for his lies, movement in the nineteenth century focusing on expressivity, most prominent string instrument in western tradition, …
these are only used in acapella music, music for the church, music outside of the church, men who sang in church, 450-1450, music with one melody, …
the most misunderstood animal, "this is _ ", they crawl out of the grave, a movie about a predator, shhhh be quiet, _ before christmas, …
moving in leaps (melody), fast, lively (tempo), when a melody is repeated at a higher or lower pitch (melody), clef the viola uses (instrumentation), …
sections of music is called.., the beat is a...., sound held for 2 beats, a note held for 4 beats of sound, smooth and connected playing or singing, …
music for viola where the line in the middle of the staff is middle c, the last and thickest string made of metal wire, supports the strings and …
the musical period in which bach and handel lived and composed in, the musical period in which mozart and haydn lived and composed in, the musical …
no feeling of key, a type of ornament played as a quick, crushed note before the main note of a melody, sliding from one note to another, moving …
holds the pickups, guitar is plugged into to make it louder, protects the guitars finish from being scratched, strummed to make the sound of a guitar, …
the main character of the movie, played by macaulay culkin, the name of the toy store where kevin unexpectedly ends up, the city where kevin gets …
designed for kids between 7 to 11 years old. modifies and breaks down traditional zumba moves, then adds games and activities to the class to keep …
telling a story on stage or film through singing, acting and dancing, section of music at the beginning of a musical. introduces the main musical …
what is the dog's name?, why is the dog taken by animal control, who dose the dog meet along her journey, were dose the dogs owner fined the dog, what …
the reason theater and the world changed forever in the 20th century, picture frame stage, the most notorious playwright, conversation or interaction …