Opera Crossword Puzzle

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Opera Crossword Puzzle

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  • maestro: the orchestra conductor of the opera
  • opera buffa: not all opera is serious, some operas are funny
  • tenor: male highest voice
  • bass: lowest voice type for men
  • alto: the female voice range between soprano and contralto
  • prima donna: the first lady in the opera or the leading female role in the opera
  • libretto: the written story in the opera
  • opera: a stage performance (around the 17th century) with theatre, music, stage, costume, dance
  • opera seria: the opera is serious, about god, fate, etc.
  • bel canto: 19th italian opera beautiful song, it’s a certain style of singing opera.
  • soprano: the highest female voice in the opera
  • aria: the melody portrays the feelings of the characters
  • overture: opening for operas, the singing before curtains go up
  • baritone: male middle voice type
  • contralto: the lowest female voice in the opera
  • interlude: the orchestras play music between scenes in the opera
  • recitative: a sung conversation
  • bravo: when someone finishes singing, you think is a really good shout