Mysteries of the Rosary Crossword Puzzle
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- joyful: events of christ's early life..
- sorrowful: events of christ's passion.
- glorious: events of christ's evangelization.
- luminous: key miracles performed by christ.
- annunciation: mary learns that she has been chosen to be the mother of jesus.
- visitation: mary visits elizabeth.
- nativity: jesus is born in a stable in bethlehem.
- presentation: jesus is presented to god at the holy temple.
- finding of jesus: jesus is in the temple discussing his faith with the teachers.
- agony: jesus prays in the garden of gethsemane on the night before he dies.
- scourging: jesus is lashed with whips.
- crowning: jesus is mocked and crowned with thorns.)
- carrying: jesus walks to his crucifixion.
- crucifixion: jesus is nailed to the cross and dies.
- resurrection: god the father raises jesus from the dead.
- ascension: jesus returns to his father in heaven.
- penta cost: the holy spirit comes to bring new life to the disciples.
- assumption: at the end of her life on earth, mary is taken body and soul into heaven.
- coronation: mary is crowned as queen of heaven and earth.
- baptism: god proclaims that jesus is his beloved son.
- proclamation: jesus calls all to conversion and service to the kingdom.
- transfiguration: jesus is revealed in glory to peter, james, and john.
- eucharist: jesus offers his body and blood at the last supper.