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Science Crossword Puzzles
Science crossword puzzles printable are a great way to spend some quality time with your children while helping them learn about science. Give them a fun and educational activity to do together. With a printable crossword puzzle, you can teach your kids about the solar system and other science related topics.
energy stored in bonds of chemicals, and might be released in reactions, e.g. food and batteries, wasted energy, spread out, good at preventing waste, …
this describes covalent compounds as conductors, these molecular ions gain or lose one or more electrons (ionic) as their atoms share electrons …
side effects are nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, semi-synthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotics that are structurally related to the penicillins, …
this type of embolectomy removes blood clots inside the brain, uses a catheter inserted through femoral artery and maneuver a device up to the brain, …
when data produces a straight line graph, when speed is increasing, when speed is decreasing, the rate of change of position, speed in a given …
never pour water into this; instead, slowly pour this into water, some of these are corrosive, only _ lab equipment as your teacher instructs you to …
pulmonary air passage that is usually 1 mm or less in diameter and lacks cartilage, separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity, measurement of …
newton's _ law of motion: "an object in motion will continue in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.", the force that pulls all …
the largest planet, smallest planet, blue gas giant, home of the giant red spot, share orbit with jupiter, evening star, home of crushing atmosphere, …
the process of using materials and energy-efficient catalysts to speed up a desired reaction, the total amount of organic matter, whether living or …
steady-state equilibrium, anything that challenges homeostasis, tissue type that contracts and produces movement, fluid-filled sacs that surround most …
the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel, laboratory tests conducted on blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids to detect the presence of specific …
region over the dorsum where the neck joins the thorax and where the dorsal margins of the scapula lie just below the skin in equines, v-shaped pad of …
a device that uses a magnet to convert sound into electrical charges, an electrical circuit that produces a magnetic field, materials that do not …
first and longest phase of mitosis in which the genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the chromosomes become visible, the process of a …
transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves, temperature scale scientists use, lowest temperature possible, equal to zero kelvins, circular motion …
the plane of motion that cuts the body in half from top to bottom, this is also known as the horizontal plane, what are the basic hip and shoulder …
a chemical bond resulting from the transfer of electrons, this shows the elements in the compound and the ratio of atoms, in a covalent bond, …
parts of the body of plants and animals that have become fossils, a material that is burned for energy, a method used by scientists to determine the …
acronym for visible light, longest wavelength on em spectrum, green, blue, red, consists of types of radiation, waves and light, can't see through it, …
the information collected during an experiment is called _ , the _ variable is the factor in the experiment that is being tested or the part that is …
the explosive end of a super red giant, the amount of energy coming off the surface of a star, formed when hydrogen fusion begins and the energy in …
evaporation of water from the surface of a leaf, the movement of water from an area of high to low water concentration through a semi-permeable …
a part of a plant that develops into a leaf or a flower, one of the usually brightly coloured leaf-like parts of a flower, the part of a plant that …
the movement of a substance from high to low concentration, the type of cell that has a nucleus, cell membrane and no chloroplast, individual sub-unit …
anything that has mass and takes up space, a substance in which a solute dissolve to form a solution, a mixture of one or more substances dissolved in …
things in motion tend to stay in motion, it takes the earth a full year to do complete this motion, a shooting star headed towards the earth, …
a surface which reflects a clear image, an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, object that is triangular with refracting surfaces that …
energy that comes from changes in the nucleus of a atom, do not use their energy until they move, keep hot or cold in a object, energy stored in …
a vertebrate that has authority over all other vertebrates and invertebrates, an invertebrate that is eaten by humans, helps to aerate the soil, …