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Science Crossword Puzzles
Science crossword puzzles printable are a great way to spend some quality time with your children while helping them learn about science. Give them a fun and educational activity to do together. With a printable crossword puzzle, you can teach your kids about the solar system and other science related topics.
a material through which electricity does not flow, a circuit with more than one path for an electric current, a moving electrical charge, a circuit …
pulling or stretching force directed axially through a body, asymmetric loading that produces tension on one side of a body's longitudinal (vertical) …
an atom of the same element with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons, the model that shows an atom to be a large sphere of …
the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio of the current density in the material to the electric field …
the temperature scale on which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees, the ability of an object to transfer heat or electricity to …
a contact force transmitted through a rope or similar object when forces pull on the object's opposite ends, the pivot of a lever, a spear thrower is …
energy that causes a transfer of heat between materials, the pathway through which electricity flows, a material through which heat or electricity …
the agonist muscle when preparing the throw a dart, the type of muscle that never stops working until you die, attaches muscle to bone, the type of …
relays information from sensory receptors to proper areas of brain, collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, outer …
energy required to break a chemical bond and form isolated atoms, covalent bond when electrons are not shared equally, bonding that has an uneven …
medical technique involving the modification of genes to treat or prevent disease, stem cells that exist in the body after embryonic development, type …
spiral galaxies are usually the _ , the force holding a galaxy together, a spiral galaxy contains both _ and old stars, this galaxy has very little …
made in a chemical reaction, can produce new compounds, more than one element joined together, table with all the elements on it, only one type of …
a push or pull on an object, the amount of force needed to move an object, when two forces acting on an object are equal and opposite, when an object …
the amount of matter in an object, the change in velocity(speed, direction or both), a place or object, appears to be stationary, used for comparison …
a piece of iron that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, an electromotive force or potential …
a chemical bond resulting from the transfer of electrons, this shows the elements in the compound and the ratio of atoms, in a covalent bond, …
fundamental property of matter responsible for static electricity, negatively charged particles involved in static electricity, type of electricity …
the moving of weathered material, or sediment from one location to another, an organism’s ability to maintain steady internal conditions when …
theory of relativity physicist, discovered radium, author of "the old man and the sea", led india to independence (peace nominee), …
relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions that an organism maintains, signal to which an organism responds, all organisms grow and …
less common pattern with a defined rise in the middle area, the center area of the loop or whorl pattern, ridge detail that branches in two paths, …
pumps blood, filters blood, pair of organs that manages water balance, used to see, covers the body, manages sugar levels, can do with out it!, …
caused by the lack of double bonds, has the lowest melting point, hexadecenoic acid, caused by an accumulation of non-polar bonds, have double bond …
lower left chamber of the heart, upper chamber of the heart, artery that carries oxygenated blood to body, valve between left atrium and left …
a coil like structure where sound receptors inside are stimulated and produce signals, a disk behind the iris, for focusing light, the part of the ear …
a thick and sticky clump of dried blood that stops blood from flowing through a blood vessel, determined by the presence or absence of certain …
secrete thyroxin which regulates the metabolism, how much does the average horse's heart weigh, the act of breathing, the function of this body system …
a molecule that catalyzes a chemical reaction, the gene that only shows if there are two of them, ribonucleic acid, term for the two letters that …
how many kidneys do people normally have?, what organ regulates blood pressure and helps keep bones hard, this is added to processed foods, a high …