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Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable science crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
distance covered by an object in a unit time, uniform motion is observed when an object covers a particular distance with a constant velocity …
how we typically measure frequency, this is what light is made of, the bottom of a wave, the distance from the top of one wave to the top of another, …
used to detect nuclear particles as a visible path of droplets, uses tracks of bubbles to detect radiation, comprised of two protons and two neutrons, …
_ potential energy is due to an object's shape, si unit that means the amount of energy needed to apply a force of 1 newton over a distance of 1 …
the maximum distance the medium vibrates from the rest position, the distance between two parts of a wave, when a wave bends due to a change in speed, …
lowest possible temperature; the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases, temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 0 °c, …
typical units include grams, kilograms, and tons, the path that surrounds an area, the measurement of the distance of a side of an object. usually …
used when working with substances that might get into your eyes or when sawing or cutting, what you should do with long hair, what you should do with …
a organelle that destroys old cells or old organelles, the organelle that makes diploid or mitosis, an organelle that converts light into sugar, the …
outer layer of the cell, can control what goes in and out of the cell, make proteins for the cell, break down worn out cell parts, same as rough er, …
2 substances together, a compound breaks down into two elements, _ displacement is when two elements swap places, 5 types that are different depending …
water soluble protein; example: an enzyme, organic compound used to store energy; made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen, a water transporting protein, …
type of cells between seminiferous tubes that make testosterone, protective outside membrane of the sperm that gets into the egg, type of cell that …
the acidic group of an amino acid, a protein with regular structure, often used for structural functions, to spin a suspension very faster to separate …
a specialised cell that stores energy in the form of lipid and provides insulation, formed by elastin and allows ct to stretch, main type of protein …
basic building blocks of all living things and contain they body's hereditary material, carry information that determines your traits, a …
powerhouse of the cell where cellular respiration takes place, process that releases energy by breaking down food molecules with oxygen to turn atp …
denaturation; annealing, extending (abbr.), recently developed method for making precise and targeted changes in the genome of a living cell, …
how many bonds are used between cytosine and guanine?, in replication how many new strands are made?, how many bonds are between cytosine and …
differences in traits among individuals of the same species , reproduction method resulting in genetically identical individuals , human-controlled …
the process by which organisms use oxygen to break down food molecules to get energy, the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and …
cells or tissues that are swollen from water uptake, the powerhouse of cells, the process by which green plants synthesize food, the molecule that is …
the energy an object has due to its position, matter with a fixed shape and a fixed volume, vaporization that occurs within a liquid, particles can …
the _ happened 13.7 billion years ago when time, space, matter, and energy began to exist, the universe as we know it today began as a hot, dense …
when the moon fully blocks the sun, the amount of time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun, when the moon is fully illuminated, the …
external, protective coating that protects the body systems from the outside elements, collection of similar cells that perform a particular function, …
a network of electrical components through which current flows, _ law, gives the relationship between current, voltage and resistance, unit of measure …
the shape of a dna molecule is a double _ , dna must _ in order for new cells to be made, this is the type of sugar found in dna, this is the type of …
bone structure protecting the brain, thigh bone, the longest bone in the body, shinbone, located in the lower leg, smaller bone alongside the tibia, …
will not break or snap when a large force acts on it, can be stretched into a wire, a lattice has particles arranged in _ , an atom after it has lost …