The Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle

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  • beta : cells that synthesize and secrete insulin
  • plasma: where hydrophilic hormones are soluble and lipophilic hormones bind to proteins
  • hydrophilic : a type of hormone with high water solubility, low lipid solubility, and includes amino acid derivatives and peptide hormones
  • hyperglycemia : a feature of diabetes that results from defects in insulin secretion and action
  • postabsorptive : a metabolic state in which endogenous energy stores are mobilized and catabolic reactions are favored
  • synergism : the combined actions of several hormones are greater than the sum of their separate effects
  • catabolism : the breakdown of degradation of large, energy-rich molecules within cells
  • absorptive : a metabolic state in which glucose is a plentiful energy source and anabolic reactions are favored
  • hormone : an extracellular signaling molecule that is released into the blood to elicit a physiological response
  • glucagon : a major post-absorptive state hormone that facilitates the maintenance of fasting blood glucose
  • glandular : portion of the anterior pituitary that produces hormones
  • lipophilic : a type of hormone with low water solubility, high lipid solubility, and includes thyroid and steroid hormones
  • neural : portion of the posterior pituitary that stores hormones from the hypothalamus and releases them into circulation
  • alpha : cells that synthesize and secrete glucagon
  • insulin : a major absorptive state hormone that enhances the uptake and storage of glucose
  • skeletal : the absence of insulin in this type of muscle leads to reduced glucose uptake and increased protein degradation
  • peptide : most hormones are of this type; made of short to medium length amino acid chains
  • antagonism : one hormone causes the loss of another hormone's receptors
  • langerhans : islets of _ ; the endocrine portion of the pancreas
  • pancreas : the major hormone-producing organ of the endocrine system
  • anabolism : the buildup or synthesis of larger organic molecules from small organic molecular subunits
  • growth hormone : the regulator hormone of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  • permissiveness : one hormone must be present in sufficient amounts to permit another hormone to have its full effects