Plant Reproduction Keywords Crossword Puzzle

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Plant Reproduction Keywords Crossword Puzzle

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  • anther: (plant part) contains pollen sacs which produce pollen grains
  • filament: (plant part) supports the anther
  • stigma: (plant part) place where the pollen grains land
  • ovary: (plant part) contains the ovules, which turns into seeds
  • style: (plant part) connects the stigma to the ovary
  • pollination: (process) transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
  • mammal: plants can be pollinated by _ _ _ _ _ _ when pollen sticks to their fur.
  • bird: plants can be pollinated by _ _ _ _ when pollen sticks to their heads.
  • insect: plants can be pollinated by _ _ _ _ _ _ when pollen sticks to their body.
  • wind: some flowers which are dull or without petals rely on _ _ _ _ for pollination.