Cardiac Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Cardiac Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • endocardium: the smooth inner layer of the heart
  • mediastinum: where the heart is located in the thoracic cavity
  • apex: pointed end of the heart
  • myocardium: middle (muscle) layer of the heart
  • sanode: primary pacemaker of the heart (abbreviated)
  • mitral: another name for the bicuspid valve is _ valve
  • intercalated: cardiac muscle cells are joined by _ discs
  • medulla: the cardiac control center resided here in the brain
  • pericardium: double-walled sac that surrounds the heart
  • ventricles: the two lower chambers of the heart
  • output: the amount of blood the heart pumps in 1 minute is called cardiac _
  • atrium: the two upper chambers of the heart