Physics in Medicine Crossword Puzzle

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Physics in Medicine Crossword Puzzle

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  • damping : what is used to increase the resolution of an ultrasound transducer?
  • positron : what radio nuclide emission is used in pet scanning?
  • longitudinal : what type of wave is ultrasound?
  • grey : what unit is used to measure radiation dose?
  • ionizing : what type of radiation is used in x-ray imaging?
  • gel : what must be used between the transducer and the body to avoid reflection?
  • tungsten : what metal is commonly used as a target in x-ray tubes?
  • thermionic : what process is used in the production of x-rays?
  • helium : what is commonly used in mri machines to create strong magnetic fields?
  • x ray : what is the primary imaging technique used for detecting bone fractures?
  • aluminum : what type of material is used to filter out low-energy x-rays?
  • gamma : what type of radiation is used in cancer treatment?
  • radio : what type of wave is used in mri imaging?
  • piezoelectric : what is the name of the effect used to produce ultrasound waves?
  • impedance : what is the measure of how difficult it is for an acoustic wave to travel through a medium?
  • ct : what type of imaging produces a 3d image of the body?
  • emission : what is the process called when electrons are emitted from a heated metal in x-ray production?