Meiosis Activity Sheet Crossword Puzzle

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  • meiosis : it has two divisions.
  • gametes : sperm and egg cells.
  • haploid : only one set of chromosomes.
  • interphase : replicating dna.
  • nucleus : where the cell division happens.
  • leptonema : the chromosomes search for their homologous pairs.
  • zygonema : where pairing occurs.
  • pachynema : where crossing over occurs.
  • diplonema : two pairs of sister chromatids begin to separate from each other.
  • diakinesis : chromosomes are fully condensed.
  • dyads : sister chromatids.
  • cytokinesis : divides cells into two.
  • anaphase2 : centromeres separate.
  • chromosomes : made up of dna and protein.
  • tetrad : group of four sister chromatids.