Excretory System Crossword Puzzle

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Excretory System Crossword Puzzle

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  • kidney : principal organ of excretion
  • urethra : tube that leaves the bladder
  • protein : blood cells and _ are not filterable
  • water : 99% of this is reabsorbed back into the blood
  • pyelonephritis : kidney infection
  • urea : primary nitrogenous waste
  • uremia : urinary infection that spreads to the blood
  • convoluted : word that means twisted
  • medulla : middle portion of kidney
  • afferent : arteriole going into the glomerulus
  • nephron : functional unit of the kidney
  • acidosis : when ph is less than 7.4
  • distal : convoluted tubule that moves drugs, ammonia, and hydrogen ions from blood to urine
  • ureter : tube from kidney to bladder
  • cortex : outer portion of kidney
  • bladder : storage area for urine
  • pelvis : innermost portion of the kidney
  • urethritis : infection of the urethra
  • cystitis : infection of the bladder
  • alkalosis : when ph is above 7.4
  • efferent : arteriole coming out of glomerulus
  • glomerulus : bundle of capillaries found in nephron
  • peritubular : _ capillary network
  • uric acid : 2 words - causes gout
  • proximal : convoluted tubule that returns glucose to the blood