Neurology Crossword Puzzle
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- endovascular : this type of embolectomy removes blood clots inside the brain, uses a catheter inserted through femoral artery and maneuver a device up to the brain
- fast : spotting a stroke, face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, time to call 911
- agnosia : inability to recognize objects, smells or sounds despite normally functioning senses
- ischemic : stroke from deficient blood flow to brain from a partial or complete occlusion of artery, thrombotic and embolic, account for 87% of strokes
- apraxia : inability to perform learned (familiar) movements on command
- thrombolytics : acute ischemic stroke may benefit from this type of med, different ones are tissue plasminogen activator (tpa) and alteplace (activase)
- unilateral neglect : cant see, feel it, doesnt exist
- embolic : second most common cause of ischemic stroke, seen usually in younger patients, travels upward to cerebral circulation and lodges in vessel
- thrombotic : most common cause of ischemic stroke, seen most often in 60-90 y/o, usually occur in large vessels like internal carotid arteries, especially near atheroscleric plaques in blood vessels
- hemorrhagic : stroke from bleeding into brain tissue, account for 15% of strokes, pts often present with increased intracranial pressure (iicp) d/t hemorrhage compressing surrounding brain tissue