Cellular Ultrastructure Crossword Puzzle

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Cellular Ultrastructure Crossword Puzzle

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  • eukaryotic: cells that have a nucleus and are found in multicellular organisms.
  • prokaryotics: cells that do not contain a membrane bound nucleus and found in single-celled organisms.
  • nucleus: controls all the cell's activities and stores the cell's dna.
  • nucleolus: stores the cell's rna and is important in the production of ribosomes.
  • mitochondria: the site of respiration using oxygen. this produces atp.
  • rer: contains ribosomes and is for protein storage and production.
  • ser: storage and production of lipids.
  • golgiapparatus: works with the er to help store and package molecules such as protein and lipids.
  • lysomes: contains enzymes to help break down waste products and debris.
  • plasmamembrane: encloses the cell's contents.
  • cilia: move fluid past the cell's surface.
  • cytoskeleton: maintains the cells shape.
  • ribosomes: manufactures proteins.
  • centrioles: spindle formation during cell division.
  • perexisomes: remove toxic substances.