Famous Inventors Crossword Puzzle

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  • edison: inventor of the light bulb
  • tesla: known for alternating current (ac) power
  • ford: revolutionized car manufacturing with the assembly line
  • wright: pioneers of the first successful airplane
  • bell: inventor of the telephone
  • marconi: developed the first practical radio
  • faraday: known for electromagnetic induction
  • fleming: discovered penicillin
  • bessemer: developed the bessemer process for steelmaking
  • gutenberg: inventor of the printing press
  • darwin: developed the theory of evolution (scientific theories, not inventions)
  • lovelace: early computer programming pioneer
  • curie: pioneered research on radioactivity
  • hertz: proved the existence of electromagnetic waves
  • oppenheimer: key figure in the development of the atomic bomb
  • sholes: invented the typewriter
  • mccormick: invented the mechanical reaper
  • newton: developed principles of classical mechanics (scientific theories, not inventions)
  • elliott: developed early electronic computing technologies
  • salk: developed the polio vaccine