Nuclear Chemistry Crossword Puzzle
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- nuclear fission : splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments that results in the release of neutrons and a large amount of energy
- beta decay : the type of radioactive decay in which the neutron to proton ratio is too great in the nucleus and causes invtabity resulting in a neutron being transformed into a proton and an electron
- radioactivity : process by which unstable atomic nuclei above stability
- gamma ray : ionizing electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency and energy emitted from the radioactive decay of a nucleus
- radioactivity decay : the spontaneous omission of radiation by an unstable nuleus
- nuclear fusion : reaction in which 2 light nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of heavier mass and result in the releave of a large amount of energy
- nuclear equation : an equation that shows how a nucleus gains or looses subatomic particles
- beta particle : negatively charged electron emitted from the radioactive decay of a nucleus
- alpha decay : the type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle which results in the transformation of an atom with a mass number 4 less and an atomic number that is 2 less
- transmutation : natural or artificial conversion of atom of 1 element into an atom of another element by the emission of radiation from an unstable nucleus
- nuclear reaction : the process in which a nucleus that is stimulated will emit a nucleon without a significant change in its atomic weight
- alpha particle : positively charged particles identical to the helium atom nucleus with 2protons and 2 nuetrons that is emitted from radioactive decay of a nucleus
- radiation : the complete process in which energy is emitted as particles
- gamma decay : the type of radioactive decay in which the nucleus of an atom is at too high an energy state and the emission of a high energy photon