DNA Importance II Crossword Puzzle

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  • rosalind franklin: this scientist used x-ray diffraction to help determine the molecular structure of dna.
  • watson&crick: these two scientists used the information already discovered about dna to make a 3-d model of its structure .
  • double helix: dna is this.
  • hydrogen: these types of bonds hold the nitrogenous bases together to form dna’s “rungs.”
  • interphase: during the latter part of this phase of the cell cycle, dna replication occurs.
  • unzips: during dna replication, after the dna strand uncoils, it does this.
  • energy: dna replication requires this.
  • dna polymerase: this enzyme is needed during dna replication to catalyze the reactions which fuse free nucleotides to the newly-forming complementary dna strand.
  • semi-conservative: dna replication is this, with a parent strand and a newly-synthesized complementary strand.
  • food: this is the source of free-floating nucleotides in a cell.
  • environmental: these factors, such as chemicals and radiation, are one source or genetic mutations.
  • proofreaders: these enzymes run along a dna strand during dna replication, looking for mismatched nitrogenous base pairs.
  • unique: each individual organism has a number of this type of nitrogen base arrangements, which makes them different from every other organism.
  • fingerprinting: this type of dna test can be used to identify a rapist or other criminal.