Histology Introduction Crossword Puzzle

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Histology Introduction Crossword Puzzle

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  • pathologist : a doctor who specializes in disease
  • dehydration : step in processing which removes water from cells/tissues
  • icetray : equipment used to rapidly cool wax blocks
  • processing : steps used to prepare tissue for embedding, dehydrate, clear and infiltrate with wax
  • embedding : placing processed tissue into a mold filled with molten paraffin wax to create a permanent tissue block
  • accessioning : receiving specimens into the lab and confirming patient demographics and assigning a unique lab number
  • microtome : piece of equipment used to cut think sections of tissue from the wax block
  • grossing : specimen is examined, described, measured and part or all of the tissue is selected to be submitted for processing
  • infiltration : step in processing when molten paraffin wax is forced into cells/tissue
  • cassette : plastic device which holds portion of tissue and becomes part of the permanent block
  • sectioning : cutting of specimen in permanent wax block into 4um thin ribbons
  • staining : applying dyes to sections of tissues which have been placed on glass slides in order to visualize cells under the microscope
  • clearing : step in processing which removes alcohol from cells/tissues to prepare the specimen to receive wax
  • waterbath : equipment used to float out wax ribbons