BONES OF THE BODY Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: patella : "knee cap" bone, femur : strongest, biggest bone in the body, found in the thigh, humerus : hitting the end of your "funny bone" at the elbow tingles and really is not funny, sternum : cpr compression on the chest are done here, calcaneus : heel bone of the foot, carpals : bones in the wrist, tarsals : bones in the ankle, metacarpals : bones beyond the wrist on top of the hand, metatarsals : bones beyond the ankle on top of the foot, tibia : big bone in the shin or lower leg, fibula : small, skinny bone in the shin or lower leg, radius : bone in the forearm by the thumb, ulna : bone in the forearm by the pinky, phalanges : bones of the fingers or toes, ribs : bones that protect the lungs, clavicle : collar bone, the most commonly broken bone, cervical vertebrae : bones in the neck (2 words), lumbar vertebrae : bones in the lower back (2 words), thoracic vertebrae : bones in the upper back (2 words), coccyx : "tail bone", mandible : jaw bone, ilium : hip bone or top of the pelvis, sacrum : triangular bone at the base of the spine, at the back of the pelvis, scapula : shoulder blade, skull : bone that mainly protects the brain