Cell Reproduction - Meiosis Ii Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Reproduction - Meiosis Ii Crossword Puzzle

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  • anaphase ii : during this phase of meiosis ii, chromosomes are separated and go to each end of the cell.
  • telophase ii : during this phase of meiosis ii, four nuclei form, and the cell divides, forming four new cells.
  • all : in males, this many of the four haploid gametes may develop into mature sperm.
  • three : in females, this many of the 4 haploid gametes will disintegrate.
  • haploid : this refers to a cell that has one of each type of chromosome.
  • diploid : this refers to a cell that has two of each type of chromosome; it refers to a normal cell in interphase.
  • homologous : these are chromosomes that are the same size and shape and have the same gene arrangement.
  • sex chromosomes : these are the sex – determining chromosomes.
  • autosomes : these are all the other chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes.
  • gametogenesis : this is the formation of gametes during meiosis.
  • oogenesis : this process is discontinuous – only one mature ovum (sometimes two) is produced during each menstrual cycle of a post-puberty female.
  • spermatogenesis : in post-puberty males, this process produces sperm continuously – around 1 billion sperm cells every day!
  • cytoplasm : this cell component does not divide equally in females after each division, but it does divide equally in males.
  • zygote : this diploid cell is the result of fertilization. it receives half of its chromosomes from its female parent and half of its chromosomes from its male parent.
  • move : sperm cells are designed to do this.