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History Crossword Puzzles
History crossword puzzles are a fun way to learn about different aspects of history. They can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and they are perfect for students who are studying world history. Have fun puzzling your way through world history! Let's find out how many history-related crosswords you can solve.
the direction many settlers migrated after the civil war, kiowa leader that led 100 kiowas and comanches in an attack on a wagon train near salt …
how many siblings did he have growing up?, being that he served two terms, how many years was he in the office?, george served in the house of _ , how …
people began to have a feeling of this over nature and such because of the accomplishment made in transportation, iron that was produced with the …
near the location of cincinnatus's farm; where romelus and remus were found, a ruler who has total control over the country, a common person in …
of the same age, date, or duration, to cut, shape, or fashion by or as if by carving with a chisel, a glacier covering a significant fraction of a …
the longest-reigning queen and female head of state in the world, the first female to join the medical register of the general medical council, …
front, front, german u-boats, germany lost its _ in africa and asia, agreement to stop shooting, luxury cruise liner sunk by german u-boats, this …
founded by james oglethorpe and was set aside strictly for military use, this colony was founded in 1634 by lord baltimore, founded in 1681 by william …
the service offered by knights to lords in feudalism, a holy war with the intention of retaking jerusalem for the christian church, the fall of the _ …
_ act was repealed in 1766, loyalist or someone that supports the british gout, this battle was also called the battle of brooklyn, which revolution …
this philosopher believed in the ideal of "natural rights", the philosopher who stated "i think, therefore, i am", the united …
a large building that the king and queen lived in, a contagious disease that killed many people in the middle ages, common punishment for crimes in …
products intended for personal use by consumers, such as cars, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners, an arrangement in which the consumer buys something …
a new type of music that was developed during the harlem renaissance, poems are made up of _ of writing, rather than sentences, the overall message of …
she is located on _ island, the statue is made out of this, the statue was closed for one _ days after 9/11, there are 354 _ to the crown, she was …
when the empire broke up, it divided into separate _ , one of the invading groups, what the vandals attacked and destroyed, who was the last strong …
first person to refuse to give up her seat, first woman and first african american woman to hold rank of 4 star admiral, first african american heavy …
this hindu diety is "the creator"; half man and half woman, this god has 4 heads, this religion began in india in ancient times, and is …
midnight rider, first person killed in rw, supported british rule, won french and indian war, no taxation without _ , wife of g. washington, name …
the american victory at this battle convinced the french to join the battle vs. the british, this founding father was a diplomat who helped convince …
how did he feel about what he saw, who is considered as a god on earth, what did earlier pharaohs get buried in, what else divided pharaohs?(2words), …
last king of judah before taken into babylonian captivity (2 kings 24-25), son of solomon, kingdom split during his rule (1 kings 11-14), son of …
many people thought it was, but on its first voyage it sank, 3500 bags of _ were lost, the iceberg was 100 _ tall, the company that made the titanic, …
invented the traffic light and gas mask, invented cosmetics for african-american women, george washington _ - discovered over 300 different uses for …
the location in hawaii where the attack took place, the element that made the pearl harbor attack so devastating, the attack on pearl harbor was …
states that humans are the center of the universe, the society of jesus, were founded to stop the spread of the reformation, an italian renaissance …
these invaders, which were non-romans, included the germanic tribes from the north and mongol nomads from central asia, the diseases to which the …
english physicist and mathematician who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, swiss-american physicist who developed the theory of …
the pharaoh who commissioned the great pyramid, the location of the great pyramid in egypt, the number of air shafts in the great pyramid, a room …
who is the narrator morning for?, what country does the cask of an amontillado take place?, how did poe make money in college?, why does montresor …