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History Crossword Puzzles
History crossword puzzles are a fun way to learn about different aspects of history. They can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and they are perfect for students who are studying world history. Have fun puzzling your way through world history! Let's find out how many history-related crosswords you can solve.
these invaders, which were non-romans, included the germanic tribes from the north and mongol nomads from central asia, the diseases to which the …
a group of people (workers) that had a hard time during the 1920s, the producer of many affordable cars, 1st state which allowed women to vote, small …
_ provided protection from flying bullets and artillery shells, served as headquarters, first-aid stations, and storage areas, president _ declared …
a thing that causes disgust or hatred, betty avoids this by accusing people of witchcraft, tituba accuses her of being a witch, she was discovered …
founded by james oglethorpe and was set aside strictly for military use, this colony was founded in 1634 by lord baltimore, founded in 1681 by william …
which colony was started by roger williams?, which colony was started by thomas hooker?, which colony was started by colonists escaping connecticut?, …
faith traditions that were formed as result of reformation and protestation of the catholic practices, the firsts conference of the methodist church …
prime minister of great britain throughout most of world war ii, the genocide of the jews during world war ii, japanese suicide pilots, the northwest …
igneous rock that has formed from lava, passes through the earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground, widespread and rapid decrease in biodiversity, a …
creator of model communes, women were fighting for this, abolitionist tried to end this, led prison reform, believer of emotions and intuition, …
_ was the most massive shark that ever lived, the filter-feeding _ _ is the biggest fish species alive today, the _ _ shark grows to only about 20 …
the allies were united against.., formed in 1949, formed in 1955, the city divided and occupied by the four allies, the leader of the ussr in 1945, …
a movement that rejected traditional american values, what is the name for the highly flammable chemical dropped from us planes in firebombing …
_ was more outgoing than his brother, the wright brothers live in _ ohio, _ was quiet and a dreamer, kitty _ is now the name of the wright brothers' …
amendment that restricted the rights of cuba, president who was assassinated in 1901, queen of hawaii in 1891, removing raw materials from colonies, a …
name of the dictator in china during the 20th century, name of the dictator in russia during the 20th century, name of the dictator in italy during …
_ act was repealed in 1766, loyalist or someone that supports the british gout, this battle was also called the battle of brooklyn, which revolution …
ruled many provinces, mordecai persuades esther to assist, mordecai found out about the plot and told esther who is the, pur is to destroy or blank, …
people born in spain and are of high social status, spanish people born in latin america, biracial people with one european and one indian parent, …
a new type of music that was developed during the harlem renaissance, poems are made up of _ of writing, rather than sentences, the overall message of …
the first female presidential candidate nominated by a major party in 2016 of which the title "nasty woman" refers to, first name, talk show …
the first black woman to refuse to give up her bus seat (last name only), the first lady that held all-woman press conferences (last name only), there …
were overthrown by the nobles, greek slaves, all citizens share in the running of government, where the people in the military lived in, he made …
prosperous sea traders who established a great network of trading posts, group of people that were defeated because of god's power flowed through …
she is located on _ island, the statue is made out of this, the statue was closed for one _ days after 9/11, there are 354 _ to the crown, she was …
this hindu diety is "the creator"; half man and half woman, this god has 4 heads, this religion began in india in ancient times, and is …
where was hitler was born?, who caused the holocaust?, the race that hitler thought was superior, the race that hitler hated, one of hitler's …
first president of the roaring twenties era, serving from 1921 until his assassination in 1923, book written by f. scott fitzgerald, an influential …
a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their …
front, front, german u-boats, germany lost its _ in africa and asia, agreement to stop shooting, luxury cruise liner sunk by german u-boats, this …