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History Crossword Puzzles
Free printable history crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
early chinese civilization started along the _ river, these are mystical poems from the ancient aryan people of south asia, the most famous structures …
philosopher and author of 'the republic' (5), philosopher who wrote no works of his own (8), athenian politician and statesman (8), maverick athenian …
the first roman general to lead troops into britain, the emperor who decided to invade in 43 ad, what claudius hoped to gain by invading, the queen of …
the service offered by knights to lords in feudalism, a holy war with the intention of retaking jerusalem for the christian church, the fall of the _ …
world war i side in the middle of europe, what happened to german, austria and the ottoman empire in world war i, what you could do with bombs?, to …
he was a famous _ before he was president, reagan made _ in government spending, he said to tear down the _ _ , reagan wanted to participate in the _ …
which colony was started by roger williams?, which colony was started by thomas hooker?, which colony was started by colonists escaping connecticut?, …
english physicist and mathematician who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, swiss-american physicist who developed the theory of …
the earliest chinese dynasty that we have definite documentation for is the _ dynasty, sumerian trade was based largely on this precious metal, head …
a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord, the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code, a legal …
2100 b.c. - 1766 b.c, 1766 b.c. - 1047 b.c, 1047 b.c. – 256 b.c, 221 b.c. – 206 b.c, 206 b.c. – 220 a.d, 304 – 409, 420 – 589, 581 – 618, …
means peace in china, items found in qin shi huang's grave, a building spanning over 13,000 miles, lasted only 15 years, established peace in china, …
what one job did men have in sparta?, athens was the birthplace of what civilization?, athens let every citizen vote which is also called what?, he …
this writing system was believed to be the only complete writing system in mesoamerica, what type of system are hieroglyphics?, the incas built these …
german u-boats, germany lost its _ in africa and asia, agreement to stop shooting, this country switched sides during the war, new weapon armored …
the location in hawaii where the attack took place, the element that made the pearl harbor attack so devastating, the attack on pearl harbor was …
the last ice age ended about _ thousand years ago, the _ ice age began in the year 1315, the _ river in london froze over for months at a time, the …
on december 24, 1814, the united states and great britain signed the famous peace agreement ending the war of 1812, known as the conqueror, in 1066 on …
the texas politician who is most commonly associated with the vietnam war at its most violent, the us president at the very beginning of the cold war, …
device that records sound (10 letters), machine used to fly (8 letters), portable light source (10 letters), device used to view distant objects (9 …
amendment that restricted the rights of cuba, president who was assassinated in 1901, queen of hawaii in 1891, removing raw materials from colonies, a …
belief that spirits inhabit plants, animals, or other natural objects, people who move from place to place in search of food, objects made by humans, …
in 1941, hitler invaded, 57 million, united kingdom, france, ussr, u.s, treaty that ended wwi and failed to keep peace, september 3, great britain and …
a person who copies out documents, the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement, the later part of the stone age, the study of …
area founded by phoenicians on the coast of north africa. it was the largest and richest state due to being an enormous trading empire, he was a …
a section of central italy governed by the pope, _ code was a comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for france by napoleon, battle of _ …
what do historians think spread the black death?, what document was king john forced to sign?, what law stated "free men cannot be …
hatred of the jews, medal given to women for having 8 or more children, the name of building set on fire by a communist, the hatred of the communism …
the location in hawaii where the attack took place, the element that made the pearl harbor attack so devastating, the attack on pearl harbor was …
native american tribe, the unconquered, powerful storm that usually hits florida between june and november, famous fl fruit, st. _ ; oldest city in …