Era between WWI and WWII Crossword Puzzle
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- italy : southern europe axis member
- germany : national socialist country
- nietzsche : wrote
- midway : island bombed on same day as pearl harbor
- dday : june 6, 1944
- isolationist : the stance america took prior to pearl harbor attack
- league of nations : treaty like decision proposed by woodrow wilson but never signed by usa
- allies : uk, usa, france, & ussr
- blitzkrieg : lightning war
- pearl harbor : bombed dec 7, 1941
- ussr : communist ally
- communism : government owns all property, control all aspects of government
- lenin : "the goal of socialism is communism
- dust bowl : overproduction and severe drought depleted the land
- axis : germany, italy, & japan
- japan : imperial axis member
- france : ally to usa, uk, and ussr
- hitler : nazi leader
- gulag : prison system in siberia off the trans- siberian railway
- stalin : part of the "big three" after the war
- appeasement : negotiation method with hitler
- aggression : unprovoked action