Rome and Greek Gods Crossword Puzzle
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- vault : a curved ceiling
- head : paterfamilias served as _ of the household
- hades : god of the underworld
- vandals : this germanic tribe raided through gaul, spain, africa and into rome
- theodora : justinian's wife
- spartacus : he lead a rebellion of slaves
- riots : "bread and circuses" were meant to keep the romans from this
- greek : this culture replaced the roman culture in the byzantine empire
- schism : the religious split between the east and west was known as the great _
- ottoman : these turks conquered constantinople
- laws : justinian gave the byzantine empire a new set of _
- belisarius : this general started using the cavalry in the byzantine army
- vandalism : willful destruction on property
- rhetoric : art of public speaking
- nika : theodora made an impassioned speech during these riots
- hermes : messenger of the gods
- asteria : goddess of the stars
- zeus : most powerful of the greek gods
- slaves : by 100ad, 40% of romans were this