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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Food and Drinks Crossword puzzles are perfect for food lovers of all ages. Simply download, print, and bring them to your next picnic, family game night, party, or dinner date! Teachers and parents can use these crosswords to teach children about healthy and delicious eating. Everyone is sure to enjoy solving these puzzles with the help of clues.
soft and sticky, not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energy, very wet from having absorbed liquid, containing salt, …
it keeps your food cold, you bake in the _ , used to eat your food with, what you drink out of?, what you use to sweep the floor, what do you wash the …
a portable meal made by placing ingredients such as meat, cheese, and vegetables between slices of bread, a large, juicy fruit with a sweet flesh, …
an evening meal, cubes added to a gin and tonic, an orange vegetable, a ukrainian green soup, a sauce used a lot in chinese dishes, when you chop this …
a large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top, a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or uncooked, …
the musical fruit, what elephants eat, can be yellow or white and used on sandwiches, tiny cakes, on thanksgiving i eat an apple _ , 2 pieces used to …
melted to easily blend into fillings and batters, can be molded, this ingredient make the texture seem thicker and improve the whipping qualities, …
you put your food in here to keep it cool, it is important to do this to surfaces before and after preparing food, you wear these on your hands, a …
menu item that must be purchased with 4 pieces minimum, dessert item made with soft serve ice cream and usually topped with oreos or m&m's, two …
a creamy italian rice dish is made by slowly stirring in a broth flavored with wine, butter, and cheese. (7 letters), japanese dish consisting of …
a sweet, creamy topping for cakes, a sweet white powder used in baking, a sweet baked dessert, to cook food in an oven, to combine ingredients …
also called vegetable strainer, used to grate, slice, and shred. often used for cheese, made of rubber or silicone. used to scrape the food from the …
to soak a food in a liquid to tenderize or flavor, to cut into very small pieces, cut into small cubes, cook at medium or high heat until the surface …
common bread grain, these foods grow in shells in trees, bass, flounder, cod, etc, may include wheezing, hives, swelling, which came first? the …
a rack where plates are placed to drain after being washed, a long-handled spoon with a cup shaped bowl used for serving, a tool used to tenderize …
cutting back on this type of carbohydrate can help with weight management and decrease risk for type ii diabetes. , portion control is essential to …
to cook in a pan with a small amount of hot fat, to cut into thin, flat pieces, using a sharp knife, to cook in liquid that is bubbling, to cook …
to restore foods to their normal state by adding water, to make a mixture smooth by adding air using a brisk stirring or whipping motion with a spoon …
jam made from oranges, lemons, etc, eaten on bread, especially at breakfast, two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, …
you use this to hold your food when you cut it, this we use to eat soup with, you use this to clean your mouth, this female person works in a …
a popular sandwich with a patty, often served with cheese and lettuce, crispy, deep-fried potato sticks often served with ketchup, a baked dish with a …
used for short-term storage under low temperature wherein it slows down the activity of bacteria and enzymes, for long-term preservation wherein, food …
the elastic protein found in wheat flour that gives bread its structure, a french term meaning "to set up", type of cookies which are rolled …
another word for when you feel something, the amount of food you are given is known as a _ , the thing you eat with dinner to make it healthier that …
battered fish rings, they can be pitted or stuffed with anchovies, it is the piece of meat, generally pork, minced, seasoned and introduced into the …
sat used in france that is collected when seawater is trapped in salt marshes and the water evaporates from the sun and the wind, herb mixture that …
they were originally round and fat, a popular british pudding, one of britain's most famous meals, they date all the way back to the 19th century and …
how many seasons are there?, a winter vegetable popular at christmas, a red summer fruit popular at wimbledon, the main ingredient in a summer salad, …
kept in by covering dough while rising, results in tougher, more elastic texture, sugar found in starches, chemical reaction of yeast, sugar and warm …
what can stock be used for, what do you use to thicken a soup, what is a cold emulsion sauce, what stock cooks for 20 minutes, what can you use to …