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Food & Drinks Crossword Puzzles
Food and Drinks Crossword puzzles are perfect for food lovers of all ages. Simply download, print, and bring them to your next picnic, family game night, party, or dinner date! Teachers and parents can use these crosswords to teach children about healthy and delicious eating. Everyone is sure to enjoy solving these puzzles with the help of clues.
another word for when you feel something, the amount of food you are given is known as a _ , the thing you eat with dinner to make it healthier that …
dark woods [germany (5,6,6)], a custard pie [mexico (4)], gluten free cake [japan (5)], without a hole [spain (6)], punjabi marizipan [india (5,5)], …
ancient greeks often ate breakfast consisting of bread dipped in _ , _ was the main source of protein for ancient greeks, greek cuisine heavily …
the 7th element on the periodic table, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fibres, protein and healthy fats make this, in foods such as oranges and …
an italian doughy delight, add any toppings you like!, a japanese delicacy, sometimes served with wasabi, wormy pasta?, are you a korma or vindaloo …
formed by the coagulation of milk and is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures and forms. it is packaged and sold under highly recognized …
a soft white powder only used in small amounts, tool used for spreading and mixing things, a large treat made for celebrations, chocolate flavored …
you put your food in here to keep it cool, it is important to do this to surfaces before and after preparing food, you wear these on your hands, a …
japanese dish with vinegared rice and seafood, italian dessert with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone, spanish rice dish with …
tangy, fermented bread, italian flat loaf, long french bread, bread made from rye flour, olive oil-rich italian bread, soft, sweet french bread, …
a portable meal made by placing ingredients such as meat, cheese, and vegetables between slices of bread, a large, juicy fruit with a sweet flesh, …
_ and vegetables help you stay healthy by providing vitamins and minerals, give you energy to play and learn, examples include bread, rice, and pasta, …
a food group that contains the carbohydrate sucrose, a food group that contains carbohydrate, made from milk and contains carbohydrate, a root …
add more nutritive value to beverages, liquid and sweeteners are added to these beverages, the fat from the ground cocoa is removed to make this, this …
you use this to hold your food when you cut it, this we use to eat soup with, you use this to clean your mouth, this female person works in a …
a pizza that only has cheese, the different things we put on a pizza, the place a pizza is cooked, the bottom of a pizza, cheesy circle food, a piece …
a _ of juice, a _ of coke, a _ of chips, a _ of tea, bottle, a _ of jam, a _ of soup, a _ of cake, a _ of water, a _ of chocolate, a _ of sugar, a _ …
the word coffee originates from this language, where was the world's largest cup of coffee made?, this company has a coffee shop in the cia, coffee …
strong, concentrated coffee, espresso with steamed milk, espresso with frothy milk, espresso diluted with hot water, espresso with a splash of milk, …
used to help the dough rise, the temperature of the milk, type of sugar used, gives the buns their trademark glossy sweetness, a spice made from the …
small particles of candy used as a topping, a place for baking or selling baked goods, a dessert topping consisting of a baked mixture of stiffly …
a chai tea latte with a shot of espresso, a coffee known for its chocolatey flavour, often made with espresso, steamed milk, and cocoa, a coffee …
it involves applying pressure to the curds to remove additional whey and shape the cheese. this step helps in creating the desired texture and …
a leafy green with a strong scent, a type of oily fish; can be orange or pink in color when prepared, a root vegetable that some believe is good for …
the word coffee originates from this language, we can thank the italians for this coffee style and coffee word, americans in the southern states drink …
cook in an oven, cut into small pieces, cook in water at high temperature, mix ingredients with a circular motion, cut into thin pieces, cook in hot …
common base of soups, french for "broth", source for gelatin within a soup, made from clarified rich broth, used to clarify consomme, …
porridge is made with this, flour is made from this, many cuisines use this eg in risottos or pilaf, grown at high altitudes in the andes, the central …
what all wines contain in different percent proof, the most popular light bodied red wine savored each november in france, you need a good one when …
a thick and hearty soup usually made with cream, meat, potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables simmered in it, a combination of mashed potatoes and …