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Vehicles Crossword Puzzles
Vehicles Crossword Puzzles are a great way to learn about all kinds of different vehicles, from cars and trucks to trains and boats. They're also a lot of fun to solve! Simply download and print. You also have the option to edit the puzzles as per your needs.
it is stupid and dangerous to drive when _ !, a brand of car, poor driving can lead to this, place where cars are repaired, you need this to drive …
Automotive technology refers to the study of self-propelled vehicles or machines.
use these to alert others when you are changing direction, used at dusk, dawn and in poor weather, turn on in the cold to clear your view, use when …
ford's iconic pony car, chevrolet's sports car, volkswagen's famous car, chevrolet muscle car, dodge muscle car, ford luxury car, shelby's performance …
use these to alert others when you are changing direction, used at dusk, dawn and in poor weather, turn on in the cold to clear your view, use when …
move a train to another track, often in a rail yard, for sorting or rearrangement, switch enabling a train to move between tracks, determining its …
who made the first working airplane, what mainly makes planes fly, what do you use to fly to space, what flies without an engine, what holds a plane …
transfers movement from piston and rod to the transmission, this test is used to measure percentage of leak in a cylinder, the diameter of the …
when the front of the car dips downward under braking, when the car moves up and down if it goes over a hump in the road, type of suspension that …
very fast on rails, very fast on the road, often used to carry patients to a hospital fast in the air after an accident, carries many holidaymakers …
the ship that conducts ships through the ice, the ship that assists ships in entering and leaving ports, the ship that transports unpacked bulked …
A car is a wheeled motor vehicle that is used for transportation.
the operating waters that require the most safety equipment, the operating waters in rivers, streams, lakes, the back of the boat, where you steer a …
you open it to see the engine, used to tighten bolts, it can be open-ended, ratcheting, ring.., open it to enter the car, a common tool, used with a …
a large road vehicle with a lot of seats that you pay to travel on, especially one that takes you fairly short distances and stops frequently, a car …
a building where you take a train, you need this to get on the train, someone who rides the train, this kind of train is very fast, this kind of train …
a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms, relating to or affecting the fundamental …
axis, extends lengthwise through the aircraft fuselage from the nose to the tail, secondary flight control, provide increased lift, drag, and wing …
the front edge of an airfoil (two words), supports strung diagonally between the struts, the focal point of lift on an airfoil/wing (three words), …
a thin wire inside a light bulb that emits light when heated, converts ac to dc, a coil of wire that we use as an electromagnet, copper coils, a …
what do you need to look out for while riding your bike?, when the traffic light is _ you may go, _ clothing is not safe to use while riding a bike, …
famous british passenger liner that sank, pilgrim ship that sailed to america, famous american aircraft carrier, notable german battleship, flagship …
driving too closely behind another vehicle, a raised area across a road designed to slow down traffic, a street where vehicles are allowed to travel …
italian sports car brand, maker of the aventador, known for the 911, british luxury car manufacturer, italian brand with the trident logo, known for …
it travels under the road. you can take it to work but you need to buy a ticket first, you pay someone to drive you in this, it has two wheels but no …
_ have 4 wheels and 4 doors, _ have 2 wheels and a seat, _ have many seats, windows but only 2 doors, _ have many seats, many windows and can fly, …
single truck tires designed to replace sets of duals on drive and trailer axles, a tire construction geometry in which the plies are laid either …
in/out tire lean, tires must have the correct air _ , used to fill tires, regulates spring oscillation, orb-shaped load-bearing suspension part, …
estimated time of arrival, service involving delivering gasoline or diesel to a stranded vehicle, entity that offers assistance or services, …
keep a safe amount of this between you and other vehicles, make sure these are working as they will help you to stop, a set of winter tires is better …