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Vehicles Crossword Puzzles
Free printable vehicles crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
_ diesel is so often confused with biodiesel, biodiesel readily attract water from atmosphere, giving it a much shorter “shelf life” than …
when the front of the car dips downward under braking, when the car moves up and down if it goes over a hump in the road, type of suspension that …
this covers the physical damage to your car from most other causes, such as fire, theft, vandalism, hail, etc, describes the person who did something …
Porsche is a German luxury and sports car manufacturer, based in Stuttgart and founded in 1931.
a big truck with huge wheels, a truck with a bed that is flat, a big truck used to carry passengers, a small truck that serves cold and delicious …
the widest part of a boat, a line (rope, cable or chain) used to control the movable corner(s) (clews) of a sail, the body of a boat, opening in the …
the ship that conducts ships through the ice, the ship that assists ships in entering and leaving ports, the ship that transports unpacked bulked …
a device for extending a chain so that it has an odd number of links, a tapered wheel used in pairs with a flat belt to create a variable speed drive …
large rope for towing or mooring a ship, small flag used for id, adds weight to a ship for stability, part of an anchor that fastens in the ground, …
mechanical components with interlocking teeth, what you see on a car's dashboard to measure speed, synonym for "innovative.", circular …
the rear section of the plane, consisting of horizontal and vertical components, the body of the airplane, the forward part of the plane, where the …
the operating waters that require the most safety equipment, the operating waters in rivers, streams, lakes, the back of the boat, where you steer a …
a type of frame damage, a measurement of the frames twistability (2), a frame rail constructed of more than one piece, added to frame rails to …
a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air, beyond visual line of sight. this term is used when you are flying your drone …
to stop being valid or useful after a certain time, the panel in front of the driver in a car, with controls and instruments like the speedometer, to …
the right-hand side of a ship, the main part of a ship, the place where the engines are, the forward part of a ship, a place on a ship used as a …
a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere, a large road vehicle that is used for transporting goods, a railway engine connected to …
the part of the blade that attaches to the hub, the cross-sectional member of the wing, cross-sectional member of the fuselage, keeps the shape, the …
a selected material placed in a track to hold its position, distribute weight, dissipate force, and provide drainage. usually, crushed quarry stone, a …
the eroding, rusting away, decaying or corroding of the metal on the web or base of the rail which results in irregular pits or cavities. it weakens …
the process of reducing rail length by removing a portion at its ends, usually to remove rail defects or bolt holes, a metal plate placed between the …
the outer shell of the submarine that maintains structural integrity under high water pressure, compartments that can be filled with water to increase …