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General Crossword Puzzles
Free printable general crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
former president of usa. was assassinated. his assassination is still a mystery, american talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. …
some people enjoy doing this to relax. the hands are needed to use these things, it's done in the water. the whole body is used to do this, anyone can …
capital of france, largest planet in our solar system, the hardest natural substance on earth, used to measure temperature, author of "1984" …
you measure my life in hours and i serve you by expiring. i’m quick when i’m thin and slow when i’m fat. the wind is my enemy?, what disappears …
classic game of buying, trading, and building properties, word game where players create words from letter tiles, strategy game played with kings, …
the number of expressing assessments that need to be completed in the first 2 weeks, a carbohydrate in breastmilk which feeds beneficial bacteria in …
game of kings and queens, a game about buying and trading properties, word-building game with tiles, game with red and black pieces, game of global …
a shop that sells medicines, a place to save money, where you can try on clothes before buying them, a shop that sells books, a shop that sells bread, …
how many prisoners can you see in the dungeon at baron godfrey’s castle?, this person is a dentist, a surgeon, and is also the person you go to in …
a special layer of protective material on pipes, pipelines for long-distance transportation across countries, the process of digging out the ground …
walking or carrying out behaviours while asleep, a sleep disorder in which a person has trouble breathing while asleep, the failure to get enough …
what is the safest water temperature for washing and rinsing all clothing?, dark colors should never be washed with _ colors, a special soap used to …
means to win against someone in a fight or competition, is a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape persecution or war, …
this section is where you'll find fruits and vegetables, this section is where you'll find milk, cheese, and yogurt, here you will find freshly sliced …
what word is used to describe the goods, products, and other objects carried by a ship? in the titanic, this included cases of fabric, cars, …
this slang word is used in place of "ok" or "for sure!" typically used as a response to a statement, this slang word means your …
in what game are you a squid and a kid?, in what game are you a superhero made out of legos?, in what game do you have to save a princess?, in what …
when you have competing priorities, consider _ a task to a team member, priorities that require immediate attention, using this technique you can …
will end up getting kicked off, will be your saving grace, wrapped up tight, they're silent in this, will end up storing more than just your baby, …
four, above, below, against, inside, within, across, one, small, half, within, fast, between, self, beside, near, outside, around, large, long, …
the point in which a plane figure rotates, the line that you reflect a figure across, a figure across the line, these are referred to as mirror …
what are most of your clothes made of, name one ingredient in whisky that you can find at a farm, what crop is in bear spray, what is the name for …
notorious english pirate with a fearsome appearance, pirate turned privateer, hanged for his crimes, known as "black bart," prolific pirate, …
if you have me, you want to share me. if you share me, you don't have me. what am i?, a house that is always lost, i'm tempting, so it's said, i have …
if i get home late, my dad will give me a _ time, you should open a _ account and start saving for your dream vacation, _ time ago, there was a …
pointed arches and flying buttresses, ornate and dramatic style, revival of classical forms, emphasis on simplicity and functionality, geometric and …
ex: justice, love, value, time, anything that is a set of connections between similar things, the first object that comes to mind when presented with …
turning the accusation back on the accuser, saying that one event must lead to a bunch of other (unrelated) events, cherry-picking data to prove your …
a piece of paper that shows what you bought and how much you paid, money you get back when you pay too much, a lower price than usual, a flat surface …
a walkway between shelves in a supermarket, a piece of paper or card that customers can use to buy goods and services at a lower price, checkout for …