Geology & Earth Science Crossword Puzzles

Test your knowledge about the geology, the scientific study of the Earth's structure, composition, processes, and history including rocks, minerals and how earth is formed. So get your thinking caps on and start solving some geology related crossword puzzles today!

Showing 1-30 of 108 records

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Earthquake and Faults crossword puzzle
Earthquake and Faults

_ scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake, a device used by the ancient chinese to detect the direction of the earthquake, a person …

Weathering and Soil crossword puzzle
Weathering and Soil

an amorphous hydrated ferric oxide, varying in color from dark brown to yellow, used as an ore of iron, soil formed by rock decay and left as a …

Rock Cycle crossword puzzle
Rock Cycle

the process of eroding by wind, what is formed by deposition, what is a rock that transform by heat or pressure, what are the metamorphic process, …

Earth and Atmosphere crossword puzzle
Earth and Atmosphere

_ sink, areas of vegetation, the ocean or the soil which absorb or store carbon, movement of rock by water, ice or wind, layers of sedimentary rock, _ …

Geology is Fun crossword puzzle
Geology is Fun

what is under the earth that keeps the ground together, gases surrounding the earth is called, the layer under mountains and oceans, the layer below …

Earth and Materials crossword puzzle
Earth and Materials

part of the earth that we walk on, specific type of rock that form by smaller bits of other rocks get stuck together, a type of rock that absorbs …

Tectonic Hazards crossword puzzle
Tectonic Hazards

an effect that happens as a direct result of a hazard, a shaking of the earths crust by tectonic movement, a rupture of the earths crust, a force that …

Hydrosphere crossword puzzle

the property of water that allows objects to sink even big ships, the water that contains salts and minerals, the water that can be found in glaciers …

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
Tectonic Plates

a vibration that travels through earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake, the slow moving-moving lava that hardens to form rough …

Earthquakes crossword puzzle

An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves.

The Rock and Fossil Record crossword puzzle
The Rock and Fossil Record

fossils can show evidence of climate _ , hardened tree sap is called _ , the _ eon is the most recent eon in the earth's history, scientists have used …

Rock Formation and Weathering crossword puzzle
Rock Formation and Weathering

fire rocks, rock formed in layers, changed from igneous or sedimentary, an igneous rock with large crystals, a metamorphic rock, a extrusive igneous …

Rocks and Minerals crossword puzzle
Rocks and Minerals

person who studies rocks and minerals, most minerals are only one _ , melted rock that flows onto earth's surface, nonliving material made of one or …

Rock crossword puzzle

a deposit of minerals that is large enough to be mined for profit, a solid that has a crystal structure, a vent in earth's crust, the color of a …

Volcanoes crossword puzzle

an _ , or dead volcano is a volcano that is unlikely to ever erupt again, volcanic _ can be quiet or explosive, _ is a material found in magma that …

Geologic Time crossword puzzle
Geologic Time

approximate age given to a rock layer based on it's position, the process by which wind, water, ice, gravity, or other natural forces move sediment …

Volcanoes and Earthquakes crossword puzzle
Volcanoes and Earthquakes

a boundary where two plates move away from each other, a volcano that is unlikely to erupt ever again, lava that is low in viscosity and high in …

Geological Time crossword puzzle
Geological Time

one of the units of geologic time into which geologist divide eras, known as the "age of reptiles", invertebrate with shell during cambian …

Geology crossword puzzle

where warmer parts rise and cooler parts sink, stress that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks, a section of lithosphere that slowly moves over the …

Cave crossword puzzle

a compound that reacts with materials by breaking it away, changing or adjusting to an environment, a calcium based mineral found in limestone. cave …

Tectonic Plates and Earth Layers crossword puzzle
Tectonic Plates and Earth Layers

formed by layered crust, happens with in the earth, with in the earth layers, what we stand on today, combing, plates subtracting, records down the …

Layers of Earth crossword puzzle
Layers of Earth

crust that is less dense but thicker, crust that is denser and thinner, known as the "plastic" layer, layer that is broken up into tectonic …

Earths Layers crossword puzzle
Earth's Layers

waves of energy caused by earthquakes and other rock movement, the outer layer is similar to the skin of an _ , the solid layer made of iron and …

Rocks and Soil crossword puzzle
Rocks and Soil

the rock formation that is the source of mineral fragments in the soil, any process that breaks rock down into smaller pieces without changing the …

Earth Science crossword puzzle
Earth Science

most abundant element in the universe, high silica lava, where tectonic plates meet, largest layer of the earth, crust and upper mantle, separating …

Rocks and Rock Cycle crossword puzzle
Rocks and Rock Cycle

grains require a magnifying glass to see, wearing away or breaking down of rocks by wind, water, sand and chemicals, type of igneous rock formed …

Water and Rock Cycle crossword puzzle
Water and Rock Cycle

a rock made of marine animals, the process of water turning into gas, rock made from enough heat and pressure under ground, a rock cooling inside the …

Equilibrium within Ecosystems crossword puzzle
Equilibrium within Ecosystems

an ecosystem's abilty to maintain equilibrium, funnel-shaped areas of land where all the water drains to the same body of water, water that has soaked …

Mining crossword puzzle

hard, precious gem often mined from deep within the earth, valuable metal often extracted alongside other minerals, large hole dug for mining or …

Geological Time Scale crossword puzzle
Geological Time Scale

dinosaurs died out, the longest unit of time of the geological time scale is the, an event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period or …

How to Download Geology Crossword Puzzles?

  • Click on any of the puzzle from the list.
  • Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.

How to Edit?

You can create your own Crossword Puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.