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Geology & Earth Science Crossword Puzzles
Free printable geology crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
slime, is a slippery liquid, a current day shelled mollusk with tentacles, small aquatic snails with a shell that is broadly conical in shape and a …
the process in which sediment or particles get moved away and broken down, what is formed by deposition, what is a rock that transform by heat or …
this type of rock forms from cooled magma or lava, this type of rock is formed from the accumulation of sediment, these rocks are formed through heat …
the wearing away and removal of rock by the sea, where eroded rocks are hurdled against a cliff wearing it away, where eroded rocks hit against each …
genus elrathia is commonly known as, the remains of the activity of an animal, such as preserved trackways, footprints, fossilized egg shells, and …
a thick ice sheet that slowly flows under its own weight, vast sheets of glacial ice that cover immense areas of relatively flat land, "rivers of …
this happens when some minerals melt, and others remain solid, it forms from the partial melting of mantle rocks approximately the same temperature, …
a vein of igneous rock that runs perpendicular to the strata, usually a combination of two or more minerals, a surface of erosion that separates one …
rock salt, ductile bond, soft sulphate, ca-plagioclase, pb-sulphide, fluorescent mineral, oldest mineral, softest mineral, strong bond, hard oxide, …
a texture of igneous rocks that have cooled slowly in the earth, can see visible crystals, a texture of igneous rocks that have cooled fairly fast but …
split into two regions; center of earth, theory, most widely held by scientists, of how earth's magnetic field is generated, uppermost layer of earth, …
made of hot flowing rock, uppermost mantle and contains the crust, holds the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, the thickest layer, as the layers go …
type of weathering that alters the composition and mineralogy, difference in height from place to place on the land’s surface, weathering by frost …
slow moving forms of ice, the area between the equator and a pole, the upper layer of soil, hot, liquid rock, a deposit of sand and soil at the mouth …
phosphorus on earth is tied up in rock and sedimentary deposits, from which it is released by _ , the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the …
seeds the chumash used for food, an ancient hole punch, to dig, scientist who studies people and objects from the past, a rock used for paint, what …
the way light interacts with the surface of a crystal, rock or mineral, a solid material who's constituents are arranged in a highly ordered …
volcanic rock, dark, looks shiny, volcanic rock, very dusty, has some layers, made from different materials, has many colors morphed together, often …
igneous, intrusive rock with large crystals, used in counter tops, igneous, extrusive, volcanic glass, metamorphic, foliated, made from granite, …
type of volcano with steep sides and more violent eruption, any opening at the earth's surface through which magma erupts or volcanic gases are …
exchange of oxygen between other systems found on earth, explains how water is transformed and transported across the globe, exchange of nitrogen …
the sea that surrounds the north pole, lying within the arctic circle, the second-largest ocean in the world, the ocean to the south of india, the …
what are the things that look like stalactite-like formations known as?, the water in the villa luz cave is white because it contains _ , the cave of …
process by which precipitation soaks into the ground, process by which liquid water changes into a gas, not allowing a fluid to pass through, release …
state of not having enough of something, lowest part of a wave, process by which solid water (ice, snow) changes directly into a gas, distance over …
molten rock; found in the mantle, part of the rock cycle; squeezing of sediment together to form solid rocks by means of pressure, the color of a …
layer that separates the crust and the mantle, this is where the lithosphere floats on top, segments of the earth's crust, formation of cracks between …
the branch of science that deals with the study of earthquakes, the large sections of the earth's lithosphere that move over time, the supercontinent …
the layer of gases surrounding a planet that is held in place by gravity, the thin, solid, outermost layer of earth, rock formed when particles of …
the attraction of ions from an aqueous solution to a solid surface, a low-permeability layer that limits groundwater flow, saturated rock or sediment …