Geology is Fun Crossword Puzzle

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Geology is Fun Crossword Puzzle

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  • plates : what is under the earth that keeps the ground together
  • atmosphere : gases surrounding the earth is called
  • crust : the layer under mountains and oceans
  • inner core : the layer below the outer core is
  • geology : the study of the earth is called
  • shifting : when the earths plates turn slowly its called
  • ozone : this layer is in the earths stratosphere and absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation
  • minerals : a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence
  • layers : there are 4 of these in the earth
  • fault : the fracture in the crusts rocks is
  • outer core : below the mantle the layer is called
  • fossil : a rare rock that is underground
  • mantle : the layer above the outer core is
  • earth : the planet we live on
  • sea level : the top of the ocean where water meets the atmosphere
  • volcano : what is made of rock and lava
  • rocks : most of the debris found in a landslide are
  • scientist : a person who studies science
  • seismology : the study of earthquakes is called
  • earthquake : when plates start to tremble