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Cities & Places Crossword Puzzles
Do you love geography or traveling? Try our Cities & Places Crossword Puzzles. These fun printable lets you explore the world with clues about famous cities, landmarks, and places. You will find crosswords about some of the world's most amazing cities and places. From Paris to Rome to New York City, famous US cities and monuments, you will find some fun puzzles in this collection.
It's a great way to learn and have fun, whether you're at home, in school, or on the go. Download and print these puzzles to play offline!
this state is home to many celebrity/well-known surfers, including bethany hamilton, home to tom felton and hollywood, turns out the most country …
iconic parisian iron structure, extensive fortification in china, monument gifted by france to the united states, ancient amphitheater in rome, white …
what is the capital of kentucky?, what is the capital of california?, what is the capital of oregon?, what is the capital of west virginia?, what is …
you can see lots of animals here, you can get on a plane here, you can buy groceries here, you can see a movie here, you can borrow a book here, you …
has five stars and is red and yellow, a red cross in the middle and a white backround, red and white stipes with in the corner, green backround a blue …
something could be 'mint' or 'dead 'ard' here. they like their bessie mates and footie, got to get good grades for uni here but there are lots of …
capital of japan, city of lights and capital of france, capital city of canada, capital of australia, capital of germany, planned city and capital of …
horizontal waterfalls, national australia day, 90% of australians live here, animal known to hop around and fight, the smallest fish in the great …
the name of the capital city is jakarta, the name of the capital city is kabul, the name of the capital city is beijing, the name of the capital city …
the galápagos islands belong to this country, home to the mayan population, birthplace of the tango, the smallest country in central america, the …
what is the name of the highest waterfall in located south america?, what famous waterfall is located in the tri-border area consisting of argentina, …
another word for "university", test that you need to take in the usa in order to enter university, a certificate awarded for completing a …
_ tower is 1776 feet high, this building is in the new york skyline, the great wall is in this country, this city has the famous space needle, he is …
hawaiian word for turtle, giving of yourself to help others, hawaiian name for tuna, hawaiian word for thank you, the friendly isle, state bird, …
our flag is scary, ziggy zaggy, tropical devil, it was either this or a unicorn, primary colors, red, white and blue, but definitely not usa, not …
a place where you can watch plays or shows, it is a very big town, like london or new york, a place in a town or city with grass and trees where …
famous building full of dinosaurs, battle commemorated by a station, palace, the famous bridge that opens up, battle commemorated by a square, famous …
the capital of spain, currency of this country, official language of the country, a cleaning tool, invented by spain, used to clean floors, the flag …
what is the name of malaysia's flag, the biggest country in malaysia, capital of selangor, how many festival that been celebrate in malaysia?, kek …
opened in 1907, and where employees throw three-foot salmon and other fish to each other rather than passing them by hand, smallest city in size to …
gulf city between anchorage & juneau, sea s. of russia, mts. in central alaska, city on island s. of juneau, city on seward penn, city n. of …
the pharaoh who commissioned the great pyramid, the location of the great pyramid in egypt, the number of air shafts in the great pyramid, a room …
it is an extension of the gulf of oman. it is between iran and the arabian peninsula, middle east, bordering the mediterranean sea, between egypt and …
the whitsunday islands belong to this territory, this wild animal lives on fraser island, iconic landmark in sydney with a 360 degree view of the …
located on chile within the andes mountains, region of latin america made of small and large islands; such as, cuba, jamaica, haiti, puerto rico, etc, …
what’s the capital city of queensland?, an australian animal that starts with a k and ends with an a, who was in australia first?, which state is …
3 words, spiky building in sydney, known for music, 2 words, a city that is known for its whale watching, 2 words, a nickname for australia, the name …
livestock animals that outnumber people in nz, the top of a mountain, country of the long white cloud in maori, the capital city of new zealand, …
the patron saint of scotland, famous alcohol made in scotland, name of people who live in scotland, there are ....... million people in scotland, name …
the mountain range situated down the middle of italy, the language they speak in italy, the capital of italy, the volcano that destroyed pompeii, a …
About Cities & Places Crossword Puzzles
Cities & Places related crossword puzzles are a fun way to explore geography, history, culture, and landmarks through the engaging medium of puzzles. These are perfect for geography enthusiasts, travelers, and puzzle lovers of all ages. Test your knowledge of cities and famous locations from around the world.
How to Download Crossword Puzzles?
- Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
- Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.
Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.
How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?
You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.