Countries Flags Crossword Puzzle
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- china: has five stars and is red and yellow
- england: a red cross in the middle and a white backround
- usa: red and white stipes with in the corner
- brazil: green backround a blue ball in the middle
- russia: white, blue ,red
- france: blue, white, red horizontal
- netherland: red, white, blue
- india: orange, white, green
- vietnam: one yellow star in the middle with a red backround
- spain: red, yellow, red with a logo
- japan: red sun in the middle
- germany: black, red ,yellow
- uae: a red stripe on the side with green, white, black stripes
- saudi arabia: green background with some arabic writing in the middle
- indonesia: red white
- sweden: blue background with a yellow cross
- italy: green, white,red
- canada: a leaf in the middle, red and white
- turkey: a moon with a star, red and white
- chile: blue white red with a star in the corner